problem of the Internet intellectual property & digital rights obviously a layer umpteen issue but it's too hot not to touch lessig covers this topic quite well if you haven't read his books yet, do so over the holidays internet not a dichotomy between commercialization & open standards trichotomy, with 3rd piece: regulation, property rights and protection sysadmins will be in position of reading subpeonas from RIAA (some of you already have) instantaneous sharing: best and worst thing about the Internet biggest threat is the "downside of the upside" what can be done to help not blocked on technology (or computer science. or sysadmins) blocked on our lack of social consensus how to incorporate the reality of digital ubicopyright into our model for appropriate human interaction we should keep "starving artist" two words not just about artists. as sterling would point out, we haven't sorted out the impact e.g, neglected side effect: increases effective value of in-person contact live concerts/interactions now become vastly more valuable than the next step down even for people not using their PDAs to look up band facts or check mail so talk/write to/for legislators. tell them what you know else they decide without us