action items for research community culture of & passion for sound measurement, as science & discipline measurements need pedigrees describing them, how to navigate audit trails, portable analysis scripting language to support reproducibility well-managed meta-data understand sampling implications and technology better anonymization tools & reduction agents simulation needs way to calibrate against real data (broken record) safety tip: still has mostly no respect from providers analysis find ways to assess opex versus capex of any new idea or at least don't render it impossible to do so later as scott encourages 'let's try to formalize some of what we (and providers) know' as dave clark encourages 'it's about the $$$, stupid' safety tip: providers do lose their patience w this research @#$% continued/increased interaction with providers and vendors nanog, ietf switch, router, measurement hardware vendors take advantage of the industry's regrouping efforts and inclination to listen. who knows how long it will last.