Statistical information for the CAIDA Anonymized Internet Traces

The CAIDA Anonymized Internet Traces Dataset

CAIDA routinely collects traces on several backbone OC192 links: equinix-chicago (since April 2008) and equinix-sanjose (since July 2008). These monthly traces of one hour each are provided to interested researchers on request in pcap files containing payload-stripped, anonymized traffic organized in the annual datasets listed below.

Mainly driven by cost and size issues for disk storage, a decision was made in summer 2010 to reorganize the passive trace datasets on a quarterly schedule: each quarter the best of the three monthly traces is selected; each year only the four selected traces for each quarter are included in the online datasets. For the omitted traces only metadata are retained. These primarily include statistical information, and a breakdown in flow and protocol characteristics.

Acceptable Use Agreement

Please read the terms of the CAIDA Acceptable Use Agreement (AUA) for Publicy Accessible Datasets below:

When referencing this data (as required by the AUA), please use:

The CAIDA UCSD Statistical information for the CAIDA Anonymized Internet Traces,
You are required to report your publications using this dataset to CAIDA.

Statistics for monthly traces

This table provides a summary of statistics for all traces. The columns shows are from left to right:
  • Monitor
  • Year and month (including a link to a graphical display of breakup by protocol, application and country)
  • Start time of trace (UTC)
  • Stop time of trace (UTC)
  • Number of IPv4 packets
  • Number of IPv6 packets
  • Unknown packets (as fraction of total number of packets)
  • Transmission rate in packets per second
  • Transmission rate in bits per second
  • Link load (as fraction of nominal maximum load for an OC192 link (9.953×109 bits/s)
  • Average packet size (bytes) (including a link to a graph of the packet size distribution)

Anonymized Internet Traces Datasets

Restricted Datasets (available through CAIDA)

Publicly Available Datasets

The Data Collection Monitors

Related Objects

See to explore related objects to this document in the CAIDA Resource Catalog.
Last Modified