CAIDA Funding

CAIDA receives funding through grants, gifts, and sponsorship from governmental agencies, non-profit organizations, and corporations. These pages document the plans and status of funded activities. For questions and comments specific to these funding sources or activities, please email

See the latest CAIDA Annual Report for more details on funding allocations.
CAIDA Funding Started Ending
zzz FANTAILFacilitating Advances in Network Topology Analysis CCRI-FANTAIL
We propose to develop a system to enable discovery of the full potential value of massive raw Internet end-to-end path measurement data sets.
Principal Investigator: kc claffy
National Science Foundation
2019-09 2023-08-312023-08
zzz SLAMStrategies for Large-Scale IPv6 Active Mapping CNS-SLAM
This is a collaborative project co-led by Professor Robert Beverly of Naval Postgraduate School's Center for Measurement and Analysis of Network Data. We propose to rigorously investigate, develop, and evaluate Strategies for Large-Scale IPv6 Active Mapping (SLAM), with three inter-related and complementary thrusts: measurement strategies that can amplify our coverage by orders of magnitude; innovations in IPv6-specific algorithms to infer router-level topologies; and analysis and remediation of security and privacy risks that our measurements reveal.
Principal Investigators: kc claffy Aaron Schulman
National Science Foundation
2019-09 2022-08-312022-08
zzz IODA-MICSImproving IODA's capabilities to monitor Internet connectivity shutdowns NEA IODA-MICS
This proposed project aims to empower the Internet freedom community to more rapidly and adeptly uncover and respond to Internet censorship events around the world.
Principal Investigator: Alberto Dainotti
US Department of State, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs
2021-03 2021-08-162021-08
zzz MADDVIPRMapping DNS DDoS Vulnerabilities to Improve Protection and Prevention USNL MADDVIPR
In collaboration with researchers from the University of Twente, Netherlands, we will perform comprehensive analysis of the DDoS attacks targeting the DNS and assess vulnerabilities that threaten the resilience of the DNS under such DDoS attacks.
Principal Investigator: kc claffy
Department of Homeland Security
2018-11 2022-01-312022-01
zzz DIBBS-PANDAIntegrated Platform for Applied Network Data Analysis DIBBS-PANDA
We are developing a new Platform for Applied Network Data Analysis (PANDA) that will offer researchers more accessible calibrated user-friendly tools for collecting, analyzing, querying, and interpreting measurements of the Internet ecosystem.
Principal Investigators: kc claffy Bradley Huffaker
National Science Foundation
2017-09 2022-08-312022-08
zzz ARDC-TelescopeSupporting AMPRNet and the UCSD Network Telescope ARDC Telescope
Service agreement with Amateur Radio Digital Communications managing TCP/IP networking for Amateur Radio and supporting the Network Telescope.
Principal Investigator: Ricky Mok
Amateur Radio Digital Communications
2022-07 2023-06-302023-06
zzz AVOID5G Traffic Sovereignty: Operating Through an Adversarial Internet ITE Convergence Accelerator Track G
This project will provide broad impact by complementing zero-trust architectures and secure 5G implementations, and by offering a transformative approach to how DoD and critical infrastructure can operate through the exploding yet dangerously opaque 5G ecosystem.
Principal Investigators: Alexander Marder kc claffyKa Pui Mok
National Science Foundation
2022-07 2023-12-312023-12
zzz WOMBIRWorkshop on Overcoming Measurement Barriers to Internet Research NMW-WOMBIR
NSF provided funding for a virtual workshop series focused on the identification of critical questions about the Internet that justify research, exploration of barriers to successful execution of that research, and collective activities that might facilitate that research.
Principal Investigator: kc claffy
National Science Foundation
2021-01 2021-04-202021-04
zzz PacketLabA Universal Measurement Endpoint Interface NeTS PacketLab
This project aims to answer several fundamental questions in network measurement including 1) how to express measurement experiments using a small number of measurement primitives; 2) whether experiment logic can be effectively moved off the endpoint conducting the measurement; and 3) how measurement platform operators can ensure conformance to their platform policies while encouraging resource sharing.
Principal Investigators: Kirill Levchenko kc claffy
National Science Foundation University of Illinois
2018-07 2023-09-302023-09
zzz PENMANPerformance Evaluation Network Measurements and Analytics DARPA-PENMAN
The project's goal is to improve substantially the ability of a third party to ascertain the presence of performance bottlenecks along a given path of interest, and identify physical attributes of that bottleneck.
Principal Investigator: kc claffy
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
2020-03 2022-05-272022-05
zzz MapKITInvestigating the Susceptibility of the Internet Topology to Country-level Connectivity Disruption and Manipulation SATC MapKIT
In collaboration with Paul Barford (University of Wisconsin-Madison), we seek to develop methodologies to highlight and quantify macroscopic vulnerabilities of the Internet infrastructure, especially from the perspective of cyberterrorist attacks and cyber-conflicts between nation-states.
Principal Investigator: Alberto Dainotti
National Science Foundation
2017-08 2021-07-312021-07
zzz Cloud CartographyMeasurement Capabilities for the Modern Internet CRII CNS Cloud Cartography
We propose an effort to directly observe and interpret cloud application paths at the router level. By extending our recent techniques to cloud networks, we can create maps containing the paths from each cloud region to every corner of the Internet, along with the network operator for every observed router IP address.
Principal Investigator: Alexander Marder
National Science Foundation
2021-06 2021-12-312021-12
zzz KISMETKnowledge of Internet Structure: Measurement, Epistemology, and Technology Convergence Accelerator Phase I (RAISE)
We propose to explore the feasibility of codifying an Open Knowledge Network (OKN) about properties of the Internet identifier system - the domain names and addresses that represent communication entities - and the rich structural relationships among these entities.
Principal Investigators: kc claffy Geoffrey Voelker
National Science Foundation
2019-09 2021-05-312021-05
AVOID-5GAutomated Verification Of Internet Data-paths for 5G ITE AVOID-5G
This project proposes a system, Automated Verification Of Internet Data-paths (AVOID), that creates this unprecedented capability that tackle two high risk attack vectors for 5G communications.
Principal Investigators: Alexander Marder Erik KlineKa Pui Mokkc claffyKyle Jamieson
National Science Foundation
2023-09 2025-08-312025-08
RABBITSA measurement toolkit for Reproducible Assessment of BroadBand Internet Topology and Speed CNS RABBITS
This project aims to design, implement and deploy a measurement toolkit for Reproducible Assessment of BroadBand Internet Topology and Speed (RABBITS). This toolkit offers comprehensive and longitudinal datasets to facilitate scientific studies on topology and performance of evolving speed test infrastructure. The software included in RABBITS enables reproducible speed tests by supporting the use of consistent test parameters, even across different test platforms. The project seeks to provide rigorous Internet measurement capabilities that can support broadband consumer protection efforts, and identify opportunities to improve coverage in unserved/under-served communities.
Principal Investigator: Ka Pui Mok
National Science Foundation
2023-10 2025-09-302025-09
STARNOVAScalable Technology to Accelerate Research Network Operations Vulnerability Alerts CICI STARNOVA
This project designs and implements the Sustainable Technology to Accelerate Research Network Operations Vulnerability Alerts (STARNOVA) platform. STARNOVA leverages unsolicited Internet traffic to provide early-warning indicators of new attacks targeted to cyberinfrastructure at the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC). The newly developed infrastructure extends the visibility of the UCSD network telescope to monitor unsolicited traffic toward SDSC's equipment IP address spaces.
Principal Investigators: Ka Pui Mok kc claffyFabian Bustamante
National Science Foundation
2023-08 2026-07-312026-07
Cloud BottlenecksDetection and Analysis of Infrastructure Bottlenecks in a Cloud-Centric Internet CNS Cloud Bottlenecks
This project proposes an effort to design measurement and analysis tools to reveal performance bottlenecks outside the cloud networks where the high cost of deployment and operations leads to infrastructure bottlenecks for cloud applications.
Principal Investigators: Ka Pui Mok kc claffyAlexander Marder
National Science Foundation
2022-10 2025-09-302025-09
zzz CAIDAA Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis (CAIDA) NCR/ANI/CNS CAIDA
The original grant that founded CAIDA, this award supports a three year project to promote greater industry cooperation in architecting and managing the global Internet infrastructure.
Principal Investigator: kc claffy
National Science Foundation
1997-09 2002-08-312002-08
zzz Internet AtlasThe Internet Atlas CNS Internet Atlas
This effort involved developing techniques, software, and protocols for mapping the Internet, focusing on Internet topology, performance, workload, and routing data. It also includes assessment of state-of-the-art in this nascent sector.
Principal Investigator: kc claffy
National Science Foundation
1999-01 2002-12-312002-12
QUINCE-NGA Unified Approach to Internet Performance Measurement CNS QUINCE-NG
We seek to develop and evaluate a fundamentally new approach to Internet performance measurement by conducting subjective assessments to measure the QoE of video streaming and conferencing applications in the wild and correlate these QoE measurements with Internet performance.
Principal Investigator: Ka Pui Mok
National Science Foundation
2021-12 2024-11-302024-11
MSRI-GMI3SDesigning a Global Measurement Infrastructure to Improve Internet Security MSRI-GMI3S
We propose to design and prototype a distributed, integrated infrastructure to measure the Internet, with the objective of improving Internet infrastructure security.
Principal Investigators: kc claffy David ClarkBradley Huffaker
National Science Foundation
2021-10 2024-09-302024-09
zzz Cisco URB 2002 AutorankConnectivity Ranking of Autonomous Systems Cisco URB 2002 Autorank
To extend and improve our methodology for deriving and depicting CAIDA's AS connectivity ranking, we would like to extend the project in two ways.
Principal Investigator: kc claffy
Cisco Systems, Inc.
2002-07 2003-06-302003-06
zzz RAPID-SPEEDTESTMeasuring Critical Infrastructure for Coronavirus-related Congestion RAPID-SPEEDTEST
We propose to orchestrate multiple speed tests across critical paths from the cloud to test servers inside access ISPs, obtain lists of available speed test servers in the US, and then execute speed tests from cloud instances using automated headless browser scripts.
Principal Investigators: Ka Pui Mok kc claffy
National Science Foundation
2020-04 2020-10-312020-10
zzz QUINCE Term 2Quality of User Internet Customer Experience - a Reactive Crowdsourcing-based QoE Monitoring Platform NTT QUINCE 2
We are developing a framework which integrates existing network measurement infrastructures and crowdsourcing platforms to measure the Quality-of-Experience on network paths. In the second term, we aim to collect more than 10,000 QoE measurements.
Principal Investigators: Ka Pui Mokkc claffy
Nippon Telegraph And Telephone West Corporation
2019-03 2020-02-292020-02
zzz Censorship OutagesAn Observatory for Realtime Monitoring and Analysis of Internet Blackouts Caused by Censorship OTF Censorship Outages
We are creating an observatory for Internet shutdowns caused by censorship and seek to make this platform as useful as possible to the general public
Principal Investigator: Alberto Dainotti
Open Technology Fund
2019-11 2020-10-312020-10
zzz Censorship OutagesAn Observatory for Realtime Monitoring and Analysis of Internet Blackouts Caused by Censorship RFA Observatory
We are creating an observatory for Internet shutdowns caused by censorship and seek to make this platform as useful as possible to the general public.
Principal Investigator: Alberto Dainotti
Radio Free Asia
2018-12 2019-10-312019-10
zzz ARTEMISExperimental Deployment of the ARTEMIS BGP Hijacking Detection Prototype in Research and Educational Networks EAGER-ARTEMIS
In collaboration with INSPIRE group (FORTH, Greece) we will carry out a first experimental assisted deployment of our Automatic and Real-Time dEtection and Mitigation System (ARTEMIS) in selected research and educational networks in the U.S.
Principal Investigators: Alberto Dainotti Alistair King
National Science Foundation
2018-09 2019-08-312019-08
zzz ASPIREAugment Spoofer Project to Improve Remediation Efforts DDoS-ASPIRE
This is a collaborative project co-led by Matthew Luckie of the University of Waikato's Computing & Mathematical Sciences Department. The overarching objective of our project is to promote using Source Address Validation Best Current Practices (SAV BCP) by networks around the world.
Principal Investigator: kc claffy
Department of Homeland Security
2018-09 2020-10-312020-10
zzz IODA-NPMulti-source Realtime Detection of Macroscopic Internet Connectivity Disruption PARIDINE IODA-NP
The focus of this project is on detection and characterization of large-scale Internet outages significatnly affecting large geographic regions or specific Internet operators.
Principal Investigators: Alberto Dainotti Marina Fomenkov
Department of Homeland Security
2018-07 2020-01-312020-01
zzz ASSISTSAdvancing Scientific Study of Internet Security and Topological Stability IMPACT-ASSISTS
CAIDA participates in the Information Marketplace for Policy and Analysis of Cyber-risk & Trust (IMPACT) program as a Data Provider and as a Decision Analytics-as-a-Service Provider.
Principal Investigators: kc claffy Alberto Dainotti
Department of Homeland Security
2017-12 2020-08-312020-08
zzz CIRIQuantifying Interdependencies of the Logical/Physical Internet topologies COE CIRI
We seek to quantify the impact of observed outages and evaluate the interdependencies of the logical and physical Internet topologies.
Principal Investigator: kc claffy
Department of Homeland Security
2017-07 2018-06-302018-06
zzz QUINCEQuality of User Internet Customer Experience - a Reactive Crowdsourcing-based QoE Monitoring Platform NTT QUINCE
We are developing a framework which integrates existing network measurement infrastructures and crowdsourcing platforms to measure the Quality-of-Experience on network paths.
Principal Investigators: Amogh Dhamdherekc claffy
Nippon Telegraph And Telephone West Corporation
2018-01 2018-11-302018-11
zzz STARDUSTSustainable Tools for Analysis and Research on Darknet Unsolicited Traffic CNS-STARDUST
This project aims at maintaining continued operation of the UCSD Network Telescope infrastructure and maximizing its utility to researchers from various disciplines.
Principal Investigators: Alberto Dainotti Alistair King
National Science Foundation
2017-10 2021-03-212021-03
zzz SISTERScience of Internet Security: Technology and Experimental Research SISTER
Using the versatile Ark measurement platform, we will conduct measurements and analysis for documented explanations of structural and dynamic aspects of the Internet infrastructure relevant to cybersecurity vulnerabilities.
Principal Investigator: kc claffy
Department of Homeland Security
2016-05 2018-11-232018-11
zzz PREDICT-IMPACTSupporting Research and Development of Security Technologies through Network and Security Data Collection DHS PREDICT-IMPACT
Our activities for this project include collection, curation, hosting, and distribution of active and passive Internet measurement data as well as providing advice on technical, legal, and practical aspects of the policies and procedures of the DHS Information Marketplace for Policy and Analysis of Cyber-risk & Trust (IMPACT) project.
Principal Investigator: kc claffy
Department of Homeland Security
2012-09 2017-09-272017-09
zzz AT&T InterconnectionMeasuring Internet Interconnection Performance Metrics AT&T Interconnection
Pursuant to an FCC order 15-94, AT&T engages CAIDA as an Independent Measurement Expert to perform various duties in connection with developing a methodology for the measurement of Internet interconnection performance metrics.
Principal Investigator: kc claffy
2015-11 2019-10-312019-10
zzz iLENS-NPInternet Laboratory for Empirical Network Science: Next Phase CNS-ILENS-NP
The focus of this project is on achieving greater involvement from a broader cross-section of the network research community in using the Ark infrastructure and the data products it enables.
Principal Investigator: kc claffy
National Science Foundation
2015-08 2019-07-312019-07
zzz Econ ContractEconomics of Contractual Arrangements for Internet Interconnections CNS Econ-Contract
In collaboration with Constantine Dovrolis (Georgia Tech), we will evaluate and model the currently existing framework of Internet interconnections and re-design it through an interdisciplinary techno-economic perspective.
Principal Investigator: kc claffy
National Science Foundation
2015-10 2019-09-302019-09
zzz IPv6 AdoptionA Measurement-driven Computational Approach CNS-IPv6 Adoption
This project seeks to measure the adoption of IPv6 and characterize factors affecting IPv6 deployment.
Principal Investigator: kc claffy
National Science Foundation
2015-10 2018-09-302018-09
zzz SpooferSoftware Systems for Surveying Spoofing Susceptibility DHS Spoofer
Seeking to minimize Internet's susceptibility to spoofed DDoS attacks, we will develop, build, and operate multiple open-source software tools to assess and report on the deployment of source address validation (SAV) best anti-spoofing practices.
Principal Investigator: kc claffy
Department of Homeland Security
2015-08 2018-07-312018-07
zzz IODADetection and analysis of large-scale Internet infrastructure outages CNS-IODA
The Internet Outage Detection and Analysis (IODA) project will apply successful results in analyzing large-scale Internet outages to the development, testing, and deployment of an operational capability to detect, monitor, and characterize future episodes of Internet connectivity disruptions.
Principal Investigators: Alberto Dainotti kc claffy
National Science Foundation
2012-09 2016-08-312016-08
zzz HIJACKSDetecting and Characterizing Internet Traffic Interception based on BGP Hijacking CNS HIJACKS
The objective of this project is to enable near real-time detection and characterization of traffic interception events in the global Internet.
Principal Investigator: Alberto Dainotti
National Science Foundation
2014-08 2019-01-312019-01
zzz NDN-NPNamed Data Networking Next Phase CNS NDN-NP
The Named Data Networking Next Phase project (NDN-NP) is the next stage of a collaborative project (one of the three Future Internet Architecture Awards) for the research, development, and testbed deployment of a new Internet architecture that replaces IP with a network layer that routes directly on content names.
Principal Investigator: kc claffy
National Science Foundation
2014-05 2018-04-302018-04
zzz CongestionMapping Interconnection in the Internet: Colocation, Connectivity and Congestion CNS-Congestion
In collaboration with David Clark (MIT/CSAIL), we will characterize the changing nature of the Internet's topology and traffic dynamics, and describe the implications of these changes for network science, architecture, operations, and public policy.
Principal Investigators: kc claffy Amogh Dhamdhere
National Science Foundation
2014-10 2018-09-302018-09
zzz Dynamic GraphsUniversal Laws of Structural Dynamics of Large Scale Graphs ULSD DARPA
The main goal of this project is to develop a mathematically rigorous model describing dynamic graphs of complex networks evolving in time.
Principal Investigator: Dmitri Krioukov
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
2012-09 2013-09-092013-09
zzz Internet MappingCartographic Capabilities for Critical Cyberinfrastructure CNS-C4
This page describes the results of research and development efforts funded by contract N66001-12-C-0130 with the DHS Science and Technology Directorate (September 2012 - July 2016) and co-funded by the NSF grant CNS-1513283 (started in August 2015). This contract currently continues through an exercised optional six month final phase ending September 2016.
Principal Investigator: kc claffy
Department of Homeland Security
2012-09 2016-07-312016-07
zzz DatCatMetadata Management Software Tools to Support Cybersecurity Research and Development of Sustainable Cyberinfrastructure NSF OCI DatCat
The focus of this project is on enhancing the utility of Internet Measurement Data Catalog (IMDC) for the needs of cybersecurity and cyberinfrastructure research community as well as in support of the new NSF Data Sharing Policy.
Principal Investigator: kc claffy
National Science Foundation
2011-08 2014-12-312014-12
zzz IPv6 EvolutionExploring the evolution of IPv6: topology, performance, and traffic CNS NeTS IPv6
This project (in collaboration with Robert Beverly, Naval Postgraduate School) seeks to characterize the status of IPv6 deployment while simultaneously advancing the state-of-the-art in network measurement science and technology.
Principal Investigator: kc claffy
National Science Foundation
2012-05 2016-04-302016-04
zzz TelescopeA Real-time Lens into Dark Address Space of the Internet CNS CRI Telescope
We are expanding our existing network telescope instrumentation to capture unique global data elucidating macroscopic events (large-scale attacks, malware spread, censorship, and geophysical disasters such as earthquakes) and make these data available to vetted security researchers.
Principal Investigator: kc claffy
National Science Foundation
2011-07 2014-06-302014-06
zzz NDN-FIANamed Data Networking First Phase CNS NDN-FIA
The main goal of this collaborative project (one of the four Future Internet Architecture Awards) is research, development, and testbed deployment of a new Internet architecture that replaces IP with a network layer that routes directly on content names.
Principal Investigators: Dmitri Krioukov kc claffy
National Science Foundation
2010-09 2014-08-312014-08
zzz Interconnection EconomicsThe economics of transit and peering interconnections in the Internet CNS NetSE Econ
Developing and verifying a model of AS interconnection, we propose to study various interconnection practices, the stability and dynamics of interdomain links, and economic properties of the resulting equilibrium.
Principal Investigators: kc claffy Amogh Dhamdhere
National Science Foundation
2010-08 2013-07-312013-07
zzz Routing / NetSEDiscovering Hyperbolic Metric Spaces Hidden Beneath the Internet and Other Complex Networks CNS NetSE
In researching the development and evaluation of solutions to the impending routing scalability problems, we focus on two related sub-topics: greedy routing based on hidden metric spaces underlying real networks; and the relationship between routing efficiency and the structure of the network topology.
Principal Investigators: Dmitri Krioukov kc claffy
National Science Foundation
2010-04 2014-03-312014-03
zzz iLENSInternet Laboratory for Empirical Network Science CNS-iLENS
The goal of the iLENS project was to develop the active measurement infrastructure Archipelago (Ark), providing academic researchers with an unprecedented laboratory in which to quickly design, implement, and easily coordinate the execution of experiments across a widely distributed set of dedicated monitors.
Principal Investigator: kc claffy
National Science Foundation
2010-03 2014-02-282014-02
zzz IRNCSustainable data-handling and analysis methodologies for the IRNC networks OCI IRNC-SP
The goal of this IRNC Special Project was to identify and support the measurement priorities of the International Research Network Connections community.
Principal Investigator: kc claffy
National Science Foundation
2010-03 2014-02-282014-02
zzz CybersecurityLeveraging the Science and Technology of Internet Mapping for Homeland Security DHS Cybersecurity
CAIDA proposed to apply a decade of experience in Internet topology measurement, analysis, modeling, and visualization to DHS' immediate cybersecurity needs to understand and protect essential U.S. information infrastructure.
Principal Investigator: kc claffy
Department of Homeland Security
2008-03 2012-06-302012-06
zzz AtomsAtomized Routing NLNet Atoms
CAIDA is researching and implementing modifications to BGP routing that aggregate prefixes into equivalence classes (policy atoms) based on common AS path from a given topological location.
Principal Investigators: kc claffyPatrick VerkaikAndre Broido
NLNet Labs Foundation RIPE Network Coordination Centre
2002-10 2003-10-312003-10
zzz NGINext Generation Internet DARPA NGI
Advancing the capacity to monitor, depict, and predict traffic behavior on current and advanced networks, through developing and deploying tools to better engineer and operate networks and to identify traffic anomalies in real time.
Principal Investigator: kc claffy
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
1997-09 2001-10-152001-10
zzz NCSRouting Analysis and Peering Policy for Enhancing Internet Performance and Security CNS NCS
Internet routing poses complex data collection and analysis problems. In an attempt to separate facts from Internet `myths' about the routing system, CAIDA focuses in this proposal on what research questions are relevant to maintaining the health of the global Internet routing system.
Principal Investigator: kc claffy
National Science Foundation
2002-10 2005-09-302005-09
zzz CONMIToward Community-Oriented Network Measurement Infrastructure CRI2005
We seek additional funding for infrastructure that promises to deliver measurable progress in a wide range of Internet modeling, simulation, analysis, and theoretical research activities currently occurring without any validation against the real world.
Principal Investigator: kc claffy
National Science Foundation
2006-09 2011-08-312011-08
zzz NeTS-FINDGreedy Routing on Hidden Metric Spaces as a Foundation of Scalable Routing Architectures without Topology Updates CNS NeTS-FIND
The ultimate goal of this NeTS-FIND project is to find the hidden spaces underlying real networks and to identify node coordinates in them.
Principal Investigators: Dmitri Krioukov kc claffy
National Science Foundation
2007-10 2010-09-302010-09
zzz DNS-OARCImproving the Integrity of Domain Name System (DNS) Monitoring and Protection NSF DNS-ITR
Our primary objective was to provide much needed data in support of the DNS research. The data collection and analysis methods, services and tools resulting from this project are essential to protecting the robustness and advancing the development of the global Internet.
Principal Investigator: kc claffy
National Science Foundation
2004-09 2009-08-312009-08
zzz Cisco URB 2004 MapsAnalysis & Visualization of IP Connectivity Cisco URB 2004 Maps
For 2004-2005 our goal will be to derive three new connectivity information maps, which will involve analysis, and visualization components, as well as creating publically available software and databases that will support the community in a wide variety of operational analysis and research tasks.
Principal Investigators: kc claffyBradley Huffaker
Cisco Systems, Inc.
2004-07 2005-06-302005-06
zzz NeTS-NRToward Mathematically Rigorous Next-Generation Routing Protocols for Realistic Network Topologies NSF NeTS
We propose to open a new area of research focused on applying key theoretical routing results in distributed computation to extremely practical purposes, i.e. fixing the Internet.
Principal Investigators: kc claffy Dmitri Krioukov
National Science Foundation
2004-10 2008-09-302008-09
zzz TrustQuantitative Network Security Analysis NSF Trust
We propose to develop a combination of network analysis techniques and network measurement infrastructure to analyze large-scale Internet security threats.
Principal Investigators: David Moore Geoffrey VoelkerStefan Savage
National Science Foundation
2003-08 2007-07-312007-07
zzz Cisco URB 2002 SecurityAdvanced Techniques to Detect and Control Global Security Threats Cisco URB 2002 Security
This project considers not just Internet worm detection, but also attempts to identify countermeasures to stop their spread. In particular, we hope to quantify the time in which a countermeasure must be deployed in order to effectively stop or slow DoS attacks.
Principal Investigator: David Moore
Cisco Systems, Inc.
2002-07 2003-06-142003-06
zzz Cisco URB 2003 AS RankAnalysis & Visualization of BGP Connectivity Among Autonomous Systems Cisco URB 2003 AS Rank
Principal Investigators: kc claffyBradley Huffaker
Cisco Systems, Inc.
2003-07 2004-06-302004-06
zzz TrendsCorrelating Heterogeneous Measurement Data to Achieve System-Level Analysis of Internet Traffic Trends NSF Trends
As it grows, the Internet is becoming more fragile in many ways. The complexity in managing or repairing damage to the system can only be navigated with sustained understanding of the evolving commercial Internet infrastructure. The research and tools proposed under this effort lead to such insights.
Principal Investigators: kc claffy David Moore
National Science Foundation
2002-09 2009-02-282009-02
zzz BW-ESTBandwidth estimation: measurement methodologies and applications DOE SCiDAC BW-EST
We propose to improve existing techniques and tools, and to test and integrate them into DOE and other network infrastructures.
Principal Investigators: kc claffyConstantinos Dovrolis
U.S. Department of Energy
2001-07 2004-10-312004-10
zzz NMSNetwork Modeling and Simulation DARPA-NMS
This project involved development of tools, collection of data, and performance of analyses aimed at supporting the network modeling and simulation communities.
Principal Investigator: kc claffy
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
2001-06 2004-06-052004-06
ILANDSIntegrated Library for Advancing Network Data Science CCRI-ILANDS
We propose to enhance infrastructure to handle 100GB packet rates, and projected routing table growth, including deploying enhanced storage and compute resources to support long-term use of the data.
Principal Investigators: kc claffy David Clark
National Science Foundation
2021-10 2026-09-302026-09

CAIDA Program Plan

Archive of CAIDA Program Plans