CAIDA DNS-ITR (DNS-OARC) project "Improving the Integrity of Domain Name System (DNS) Monitoring and Protection" (NSF grant SCI-0427144) started in 2004 and concluded in 2009. Our primary objective was to provide much needed data in support of the DNS research. The data collection and analysis methods, services and tools resulting from this project are essential to protecting the robustness and advancing the development of the global Internet.

Sponsored by:
National Science Foundation (NSF)

Principal Investigator: kc claffy

Funding source:  OAC-0427144 Period of performance: September 15, 2004 - August 31, 2009.

Current Status

The DNS-ITR (DNS-OARC) project ended on August 31, 2009.

Year 3&4 Goals

Operational characterization of DNS
Task Lead Collaborators Notes Status
Extended simultaneous data collection at multiple DNS root server anycast instances and other strategic locations Keith Mitchell, Duane Wessels, Josh Polterock ISC & OARC members tcpdump done in 2008 and 2009
Simultaneous data collection at multiple DNS root server anycast instances Keith Mitchell, Duane Wessels ISC & OARC members tcpdump 48 hrs of data in Jan 07
Analysis of load at anycast root servers kc claffy, Marina Fomenkov ISC perl scripts done
Create DNS Influence Map 2007 Brad Huffaker perl scripts done
Analysis of load at .CL Chilean anycast servers Sebastian Castro NIC Chile scripts done
Monitor emerging query types on .CL Chilean anycast servers Sebastian Castro NIC Chile scripts done
Monitor open resolvers in the Internet Duane Wessels Measurement Factory scripts ongoing since Jun 06
Run dsc on .CL, CAIDA & SDSC servers Josh Polterock, Sebastian Castro SDSC, NIC Chile dsc done
Analysis of spurious traffic at root servers Sebastian Castro ISC perl scripts done
Integration of DNS knowledge and our topology data sets Young Hyun in progress
Modeling, simulation & testing
Task Lead Collaborators Notes Status
Anycast switching experiment Marina Fomenkov, Sebastian Castro NIC Chile Chilean .CL DNS infrastructure done
Anycast simulations kc claffy, George Riley GA Tech scripts done
Laboratory measurements of DNSSEC performance Paul Vixie, Brian Reid ISC Dedicated testbed done
Testing DNSSEC/DLV on CAIDA servers Dan Andersen, Josh Polterock ISC done
Task Lead Collaborators Notes Status
CAIDA DNS project web site Marina Fomenkov, Alex Ma web scripts done
2nd DNS research workshop Keith Mitchell, kc claffy, Marina Fomenkov ISC, OARC   Nov 16-17, 2006
3rd DNS research workshop Keith Mitchell, kc claffy, Marina Fomenkov ISC, OARC   Nov 2-3, 2007
Index traces collected at root servers into the DatCat Brad Huffaker OARC CoralReef, submission API in progress
Index traces collected at .CL Chilean servers into the DatCat Sebastian Castro NIC Chile CoralReef, submission API in progress
Solicit feedback on open resolver survey from operator community Duane Wessels, Brad Huffaker Measurement Factory scripts ongoing
Task Lead Collaborators Notes Status
Vizualisation of worldwide load at DNS anycast servers Sebastian Castro NIC Chile scripts done
Collect dsc user feedback Josh Polterock, Marina Fomenkov F-root, SDSC, NIC Chile ongoing
Modify dsc Duane Wessels, Ken Keys Measurement Factory TCP & SQL support in progress
Improve dsc documentation Duane Wessels, Josh Polterock Measurement Factory in progress
Maintain NeTraMet traffic monitor Nevil Brownlee Univ. of Auckland ongoing

Year 2

September 1, 2005 - August 31, 2006

Year 1

September 15, 2004 - August 31, 2005

Additional Content

DNS project - Year 2 Report

This report is excerpt from CAIDA Annual Report 2006.

DNS project - Year 2 Goals

Year 2 of the NSF sponsored CAIDA DNS project was from September 1, 2005 till August 31, 2006.

DNS-ITR - Events

A list of DNS-ITR events

DNS-ITR Collaborators

This page describes CAIDA collaborators and subcontractors in the DNS-ITR project. Research Events Proposal Collaborators

DNS-ITR (DNS-OARC) - Proposal: Improving the Integrity of Domain Name System (DNS) Monitoring and Protection

This proposal helps to address National and Homeland Security recommendations by the President’s Critical Infrastructure Protection Board to develop a ‘cyberspace network operations center’. This proposal also has relevance to how the Internet supports economic prosperity and civil society.

DNS project - Year 1 Report

This report is excerpt from CAIDA Annual Report 2005.

DNS project - Year 1 Goals

Year 1 of the NSF sponsored CAIDA DNS project was from September 15, 2004 till August 31, 2005.

Last Modified