February 8-14 (2025), we invite GMI project collaborators to a workshop at the San Diego Supercomputer Center to discuss the future steps of the GMI project.

For more information about the GMI project, see the GMI3S website and GMI3S funding page.

Hackathon Dates: February 8 (Saturday) - 9 (Sunday) 2025
Place: Room 408, San Diego Supercomputer Center, UCSD Campus, La Jolla, CA

Workshop Dates: February 10 (Monday) - 14 (Friday) 2025
Place: Auditorium, San Diego Supercomputer Center, UCSD Campus, La Jolla, CA

Workshop Overview

In 2025 we will return to our in-person community AIMS workshops to allow researchers and operators to exchange ideas and progress on measurement infrastructure systems, methods, datasets, and insights. The purpose of GMI-AIMS-5 workshop will be to:

  • Integrate the design phase outcomes with the proposed implementation plan, ensuring alignment with the project’s goals and objectives
  • Discuss the deployment of a new global measurement platform, data management and accessibility infrastructure, analytics infrastructure, and community engagement/training workshops
  • Explore the integration of the GMI3S infrastructure with national AI resources, and the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) for data annotation and metadata generation
  • Finalize the plans for community engagement, work force training, and STEM education, including the development of a Network Infrastructure Data Science course and video tutorials

Topics are anything related to Internet measurement.

The GMI-AIMS-5 workshop is by invite only.

Harkathon and project suggestions

We are hosting an Ark-focused hackathon (a “Harkathon”, one could call it) the weekend before GMI-AIMS-5 (Feb 8 and 9), focused on team coding challenges that leverage the new scamper libraries, and the Ark infrastructure. We encourage you to submit potential challenges with some level of detail (for some great examples, see projects from our earlier BGP Hackathon).

We will host hands-on training tracks on Thurs and Friday 13-14 Feb, focused on the UCSD Network Telescope.

Required reading for all hackathon participants:

The hackathon will be chaired by:

Accepted registrants will be emailed additional details.


Registration for GMI-AIMS-5 is open from now until we reach capacity or until January 31st, whichever comes first. Register for GMI-AIMS-5 and be invited to the Mattermost channel to receive up-to-the-minute updates.


The “Harkathon” will be on Saturday and Sunday before the workshop. The GMI-AIMS-5 workshop itself will begin on Monday at 9am. The workshop will begin at 9:00am PST every day unless noted otherwise.

Note: Up-to-the-minute agenda updates will be posted on the shared document and the private Mattermost channel for registered participants only. The agenda below is presented as a sample for those interested in registering.

February 8 (Saturday): “Harkathon” Ark-focused hackathon

  • 9:00a: Orientation: Meet in SDSC Room 408 (4th floor), introductions
  • 9:20a: Overview of Infrastructure and Hackathon Challenges
  • 9:20a-10:00a Tutorial on active measurement, best practices, lessons learned from others using it
  • 10:00a-4:30p Hack, working lunch
  • 4:30p-6:00p Hike

February 9 (Sunday)

  • 9:00a-4:00p Hack, working lunch
  • 4:30p-6:00p Hike

February 10 (Monday): Active Measurement Day

  • 8:00a-9:00a Arrival: zoom setup, breakfast
  • 9:00a Purpose of meeting, questions
  • Welcome from the SDSC Director Frank Würthwein
  • Introductions
  • Overview of plan for week
    • New GLIMPSE programming environment for executing active measurements *Collaborations with Other Active Measurement Infrastructures
    • Measurement Lab Deployment
    • RIPE Atlas
    • Internet2/Perfsonar
  • Brainstorming Active Measurement Ideas
  • Short talks
    • Verfploeter 2.0: Active Anycast Measurement Tooling
    • Active measurements from LEO VPs (LEOscope)
    • A Detailed Measurement View on IPv6 Scanners and Their Adaption to BGP Signals
    • NTP Fingerprinting
    • PathFinder
    • Distributed ECS Measurements
    • Targeting ISP of Interest for Optimized Traceroute Network Measurement

February 11 (Tuesday): BGP Day

  • What I learned yesterday
  • Active Measurement Ideas, continued
    • The Current State of QUIC Deployments and Used Libraries
    • A Framework For Provably Avoiding Nation States on Internet Paths
    • Targeting ISP of Interest for Optimized Traceroute Network Measurement
    • Target Generation for IPv6 Hitlists
    • Active Measurement to Support DREN Mission
    • Geolocation with active measurement
    • Measuring Healthcare Ransomware Attacks
  • BGP
    • RouteViews Update
    • RIPE RIS update, Probabilistic indexing of MRT files
    • IP Leasing
    • ImpROV: Measuring and Mitigating Collateral Damage of Route Origin * Validation in RPKI

February 12 (Wednesday): DNS Day

  • What I learned yesterday
  • DNS measurement infrastructure
    • DNS Transparency
    • “Revisiting the Value of Rapid Zone Update”
    • Building it so they actually will come
    • Real-Time Traffic Measurements Collection using RDMA and P4 Programmable Data Planes
    • On DGA detection and classification using p4 programmable switches
    • Introduction to the Global INternet Observatory Platform
    • Evaluating ISP Parental Control Services: Analyzing Domain Filtering and Compliance with Legal Obligations
    • Estimating the Lifetime of Domain Names through EPP Status Codes: Empirical Insights on DNS Abuse Mitigation
    • Registration, Detection, and Deregistration: Analyzing DNS Abuse for Phishing Attacks
  • Internet Yellow Pages (IYP)
    • IYP Tutorial: Data Analysis Using Internet Yellow Pages
    • Adaptive Outage Detection from Passive Data
    • BreakOut WGs: contest: find most interesting discoveries in IYP

February 13 (Thursday): IYP continued, Telescope Day

  • 10am morning start, What I learned yesterday
  • IYP Continued: Presentation of yesterday’s Work Parties
  • Telescope
    • Telescope infrastructure update and tutorial
    • Monitoring and Understanding the Data Collected by the UCSD-NT
    • Telescope: IoT
    • Comparing Different Telescope/Darknets
  • Telescope Hands-on Working Groups/Tutorial (Track A)
    • Guided hands-on experience with telescope data
  • Active Measurement Talks, Continued (Track B)
    • Domain Name Security Inspection at Line Rate: TLS SNI Extraction in the Data Plane Using P4 and DPDK

    • perfSONAR: Enhancing Data Collection through Adaptive Sampling

    • Athena: Seeing and Mitigating Wireless Impact on Video Conferencing and Beyond

    • MobileSDR: A Mobile Programmable Platform for Wireless Field Tests and Diagnostics

    • A Cloud System for Training and Research

    • Working with telescope data

February 14 (Friday): Data Analytics Day

  • 10am morning start, What I learned yesterday
  • Domain Tools Data
  • OSDF
  • Overflow talks
  • Workshop summary, next steps

A sample recommended reading list is below. A full reading list is available for registered participants on the shared document.

Local Arrangements / Getting to UC San Diego

For this workshop, attendees are expected to make their own hotel reservations and transportation arrangements from their hotels to the workshop.

This workshop is being held in the SDSC East Auditorium (Room B210E/B211E) that faces Hopkins Drive.
(For those GPS-enabled attendees, the GPS coordinates near the SDSC Auditorium is WGS84: 32°53'03.77"N, 117°14'20.31"W)

Construction Notice: There will be construction in the driveway outside 9836 Hopkins Drive that will impact cars trying to turn into the driveway. Rideshares/dropoffs should drop off on the main road (Hopkins Dr) between the parking structure and the San Diego Supercomputer Center, near the sign marked 9836 Hopkins Dr. Foot traffic through this construction area is still allowed.

Check the following websites for direction to SDSC:

Taxis, Rideshare, and drop-off: San Diego Taxi Information maintains a list of taxis with rates and additional information. Uber and Lyft are also well established in San Diego and now have access to service San Diego’s airport. Set your destination to “9836 Hopkins Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093”

Shuttle: Shuttle service between San Diego airport, your hotel, and UCSD can be requested from SuperShuttle San Diego SAN Airport (Cloud 9 Shuttle). Yellow Cab of San Diego. Please consult their websites to find the current fares and conditions. Complimentary shuttle service from hotel to UCSD/SDSC is also available from certain La Jolla hotels.

Trolley and Bus: Lower cost alternatives to UCSD are available via the San Diego Metropolitan Transit System (MTS) buses and the trolley. Consult the Online Transit Information System Trip Planner for customized route options. Please be advised that the punctuality of the buses cannot be guaranteed due to lateness and delays. The nearest trolley station is the UCSD Central Campus Station on the Blue Line Trolley. In both the case of trolley and bus, a short 15-20 minute walk is required to reach SDSC. Consult trolley map and schedules and bus map and schedules for general details.

Driving onto campus: Driving your car onto campus is not recommended because of the scarcity of visitor parking spaces. If you do drive in by car, the most convenient parking is in the Hopkins parking structure at Hopkins Dr and Voigt Dr, just south of SDSC.

Parking Permits: Parking permits are required to park on UC San Diego Campus. Parking legally is the attendee’s responsibility. With a permit purchased on the ParkMobile app (Zone 4752) or a kiosk-purchased parking permit, you can park in any White “ V ” Visitor spaces only, unless otherwise indicated. Visitor Parking is limited, especially if arriving after 8am (if Hopkins is full, Pangea Parking Structure is the nearest parking alternative within walking distance to SDSC). The penalty for an improperly parked car is at least $80 per day. We cannot be held responsible for citations issued for parking in an incorrect space or improperly purchased permit, and the appeal process is very time consuming. UCSD Transportation and Parking Services has information about on-campus parking.

For transportation concerns, general questions and help before the workshop, ask in the Mattermost channel.

Additional Content

Registration: GMI-AIMS-5

Registration form for GMI-AIMS-5 workshop.

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