NANOG: Graphs: Per-Type (PB)

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Per-Type Statistics for PB cache

Note: These graphs are generated based on one server only (PB). PB is one of the most loaded servers.

We do not show all document types, only those that contribute more than 5% or so towards traffic intensity or volume.

Absolute Traffic

Clearly, images dominate. This info does not tell us, however, what documents are most valuable. That is, what we would cache if we had a choice.

Relative Traffic

Here are the same pictures, but relative contribution is shown.


Here are savings on per-type basis. Quite an interesting picture. Images are well ahead. Surprisingly, ratios for other document types are pretty close. This probably means that one should cache images first, but for other objects, the type does not matter much.

Most of the data saved so far comes from images. Executables make significant contribution towards total traffic volume (second place), but their low hit ratio prevents them from staying at the top on this graph.

$Id: pb.bytype.html,v 1.1 2015/04/15 22:15:09 macat Exp $

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