NDN-NP: Named Data Networking Next Phase - Summary

The Named Data Networking Next Phase project (NDN-NP) is the next stage of a collaborative project (one of the three Future Internet Architecture Awards) for the research, development, and testbed deployment of a new Internet architecture that replaces IP with a network layer that routes directly on content names. For more information see http://www.named-data.net/ and the Named Data Networking Next Phase proposal.

Sponsored by:
National Science Foundation (NSF)

Principal Investigator: kc claffy

Funding source:  CNS-1345286 Period of performance: May 1, 2014 - April 30, 2018.

Original NDN-NP Research Agenda

Researchers from 8 campuses participate in the NDN Next Phase effort. The research agenda includes:

1. Application design naming and application design patterns
support for rendezvous, discovery and bootstrapping
the role and design of in-network storage
use of new data synchronization primitives
2. Security and trustworthiness
trust and security building blocks: key management, trust management, encryption-based access control
environment-specific security
addressing future security challenges
3. Routing and forwarding strategy
inter-domain routing: path-vector, link-state, hyperbolic
routing security and trust
flexible forwarding strategy and mobility support
4. Scalable forwarding
core forwarding node design, algorithms, and data structures
integrating closely-coupled subsystems: strategy layer, repository, synchronization service
5. Library and tool development
developing reference implementations for client APIs, trust and security, and new network primitives
supporting internal prototype development
providing node autoconfiguration tools
6. Social and economic impacts

To verify the architecture design and to evaluate emerging implementations, NDN-NP participants will work on specific application ecosystems where NDN can address fundamental challenges unmet by the current IP-based Internet: Open mHealth and Enterprise Building Automation and Management (EBAM). Another area of focus will be development of a cluster of related Mobile Multimedia NDN applications for communication via audio, video, text, and file transmission over various mobile devices.

CAIDA's funded tasks


To assure successful collaboration across the multiple campuses and research areas, CAIDA personnel will carry out general management tasks for the whole project. The management tasks include:

  • Schedule and conduct weekly management conference calls, take minutes, edit, post to the project wiki, extract action items, send to the NDN PI and/or NDN participants mailing lists.
  • Organize and conduct bi-weekly (no less than monthly) conference calls with all NDN area leads, take minutes, edit, post to the project wiki, send to the NDN PI and/or NDN participants mailing lists.
  • Arrange and lead other strategy calls (e.g., with outside domain experts, industry supporters, legal advisors, individual PIs) as necessary, take minutes, edit, post to the project wiki, send to the NDN PI and/or NDN participants mailing lists.
  • Host and maintain internal NDN project wiki.
  • Contribute to efforts to organize a Consortium of participating universities and leading technology companies in order to promote the openness of the core NDN architecture and further development and adoption of NDN.
  • Organize and host project retreats and community meetings.
  • Coordinate preparation and publication of annual reports, edit individual PIs' contributions, incorporate responces, finalize, prepare and post online versions.


The constructive evaluation of the project results should pave the way for generalizing specific implementations and applications to the core architectural principles supporting the needs of a wide range of other environments. CAIDA personnel will contribute to evaluation activities which include a mix of use case, emulation, simulation, and actual deployment.

The evaluation tasks are:

  • Clarify description of architecture - done
  • Interview representatives of chosen environments for feedback on NDN application usability and responsiveness to our criteria
  • Survey internal and community users of our cluster of mobile application for feedback on NDN application usability and responsiveness to our criteria
  • Brainstorm new applications that would be easier to develop given current architecture