Workshop on Internet Economics: Knowledge of Internet Structure: Measurement, Epistemology, and Technology (WIE-KISMET)

On December 9th-11th, 2019, CAIDA hosted the 1st Open Knowledge Network: KISMET Workshop (KISMET), transitioning from the Workshop on Internet Economics (WIE) series of previous years. For details on KISMET, see the OKN-KISMET proposal. This WIE-KISMET workshop is by invitation only, held at the University of California San Diego in La Jolla, CA.

Date: Dec 9 (Mon) - 11 (Wed), 2019
Place: Auditorium B210E/B211E Meeting Room,
San Diego Supercomputer Center, UC San Diego Campus, La Jolla, CA

Topics of Interest

Initial topics:

  • economics and incentives surrounding abuse of the Internet addressing, naming, and routing systems,
  • aspects of internet structure that allow us to establish a baseline against which to detect evidence of abuse, including DNS zone delegation, DNS and BGP trust hierarchies, and routing relationships
  • what data is available that can inform these topics, and
  • how to think about what needs to be "open knowledge" in order to allow the public and private sector to cooperatively understand and improve security and stability of these systems.
  • we will also discuss what kind of institutional, community, and government support do we need to get something off the ground, and
  • discuss what we can learn from similar challenges in other critical infrastructure industries, e.g., financial.


Unlike the WIE workshop format of previous years, we will be avoiding the "10 minute lightning talks", instead we will need to do some technical and policy deep dives to get everyone on the same page. The goal is to start thinking about a team (plus advisory committee) that can propose something with "transformative impact" for Phase 2.

Organizing committee

  • kc claffy (CAIDA/UC San Diego)
  • David Clark (MIT)

Registration closed

We have reached our target capacity for this workshop. Registration for WIE-KISMET 2019 is closed, and we will not be accepting any more registrants.

Workshop Agenda

Breakfast will be provided every day from 08:00-09:00, with sessions starting promptly at 09:00. There is no timetable on purpose -- this will be a fluid workshop. We expect talks to have 10-15 min of content, but include potentially extensive discussion during and after the talks, hence no promises on timing except that we will stop when dinner arrives on Monday and Tuesday.

December 9 (Monday)

December 10 (Tuesday)

December 11 (Wednesday)

Travel Grants / Reimbursements

Travel grants are available for this workshop. Travel support is intended to defray, but not entirely cover, the costs of attending the workshop. Only registration, shared hotel room, and airfare qualify for reimbursement, and the decision will be made when travel grants are awarded subject to availability of funds. The award will be handled via reimbursements. The specific way will depend on the source of the travel grant, for example, some travel grants will be reimbursed through an NSF grant. Further details of the reimbursement procedure will be communicated to the award recipients.

Save your receipts! After the workshop, please collect all itemized receipts (airfare, lodging, transportation, etc.) to submit for reimbursement. When scanning receipts, please make sure all information is clear and easy to read. Private and sensitive information should be redacted (e.g., address, phone number, etc.). There are strict limitations on what can be reimbursed, so be sure to read the important things to know about reimbursement, below.

    Important things to know: Limitations on reimbursement

  • Airfare As per NSF and UC San Diego policy, an attendee on an NSF travel grant must book an economy rate U.S.-based airline carrier in order to be eligible for reimbursement (see Fly America Act). An invoice or itinerary from the travel agency, booking service or airline may serve as the original receipt. The receipt must show the form of payment used, name of passenger, dates and routes of travel, airfare class, and amount paid.

    If you are adding personal days to your travel, you are required to show that the airfare that extends travel with personal days, is not more expensive than airfare that does not. Please do a screenshot at the time you are booking travel to show that it does not. If you have a travel preparer booking your airfare, please communicate with them about your plans so that they can prepare this screenshot. Travel preparers should indicate on the screenshot or in the travel reconciliation notes, which is the comparison and which is the actual airfare purchased, since both fares have to be uploaded to the reconciliation.

  • Hotel UC maximum lodging rate for reimbursement is $275 before taxes and mandatory hotel fees. Traveler will not be reimbursed for in-room charges such as gym or movie fees. An itemized receipt is required.
  • Meals Claim the actual amount spent up to $62 per day. An itemized receipt is required. When submitting your receipt(s), please remove any alcohol expenses from the itemized receipt. Alcohol is not an allowable expense.
  • Package deals For reimbursement eligibility, the receipt or itinerary must specify cost for each item. Before purchasing a package, via the Web or otherwise, confirm you will be able to obtain the required documentation. If the receipt or itinerary does not show cost for each component (e.g., airfare, airfare tax, room rate per night, and room tax per night), get a receipt from each service provider (e.g. the airline, hotel, and/or rental car company). If the separate cost components of a travel package can't be specified, it's not possible to substantiate the business expenses and verify no personal benefit to the traveler. This is based on UC policy and IRS guidelines, and makes the expense ineligible for reimbursement. To meet UC San Diego travel policy, UC travel policy, and IRS requirements, the receipt or itinerary must specify the cost of each item, but most sellers of package deals are unwilling to provide that information due to their relationships with suppliers.

Local Arrangements / Getting to UC San Diego

For this workshop, attendees are expected to make their own hotel reservations and transportation arrangements from their hotels to the workshop. For CAIDA's list of local hotels including shuttle availability, see the updated Local Hotels list (PDF). Contact the hotel directly for hotel shuttle schedules (if available) to the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC).

This workshop is being held in the SDSC East Auditorium (Room B210E/B211E) that faces Hopkins Drive.
(For those GPS-enabled attendees, the GPS coordinates near the SDSC Auditorium is WGS84: 32°53'03.77"N, 117°14'20.31"W)

General driving directions to SDSC are located on the CAIDA Contact and Visitor Info page.

  • Shuttle to Hotels: SuperShuttle can be arranged to shuttle to UC San Diego campus or your hotel.
  • Car: Rental available at the airport near the baggage claim areas of Terminals 1 and 2.
  • Taxis and drop-off: San Diego Taxi Information maintains a list of taxis with rates and additional information. Uber and Lyft are also well established in San Diego and now have access to service San Diego's airport. GPSes will need to go to the intersection of Hopkins Drive and Voigt Lane.

    9836 Hopkins Drive , La Jolla, CA 92093 is the nearest street address most GPSes/maps recognize. This should take you to a small turn-in in front of the SDSC East Entrance / Auditorium, with a building sign visible that reads "Halicioğlu Data Science Center".

  • Parking on campus
    The most convenient parking is in the Hopkins parking structure at Hopkins Dr and Voigt Dr, just south of SDSC.

    Parking Permits: Parking permits are required to park on UC San Diego Campus.

    Parking legally is the attendee's responsibility. It is recommended you find parking at the Hopkins Parking Structure. Near the elevators will be a parking permit machine that sell passes for $30/day. Alternatively, use the ParkMobile app to buy a permit for  Zone 4736  (if parking at Hopkins). With a permit purchased, you can park in any White " V " spaces ONLY unless otherwise indicated. (New since 2019: purchased permits are no longer valid in yellow "S", green "B" spaces, or red "A" spaces) Please be sure to read the directions on the parking permit. Parking is limited -- the lot tends to be completely full after 9:00am. The penalty for an improperly parked car is at least $65 per day. We cannot be held responsible for citations issued for parking in an incorrect space or improperly displaying your permit.

For transportation concerns, general questions and help before the workshop, contact CAIDA at <admin-staff at> or (858) 246-5835.

General UC San Diego Maps and general UC San Diego Visitor Parking information are useful resources for navigating on campus.

Additional Content

Participants: WIE-KISMET 2019 Workshop

This page contains the list of participants of Workshop on Internet Economics: Knowledge of Internet Structure: Measurement, Epistemology, and Technology (WIE-KISMET) on Dec 9-11, 2019.

Reading List: WIE-KISMET 2019 Workshop

This reading list is a starting point. We welcome suggestions of additional papers!

Last Modified