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Bibliography Details

H.-W. Braun and k. claffy, "Network analysis issues for a public Internet", in Public Access to the Internet, A Harvard JFK School Workshop, May 1993.

Network analysis issues for a public Internet
Authors: H.-W. Braun
k. claffy
Published: Public Access to the Internet, A Harvard JFK School Workshop, 1993
Entry Date: 2004-02-06

While initially conceived as a dedicated communications facility for the United States federal government, today's Internet aggregates traffic from among a far wider set of constituencies. Pooling resources of so many constituents into a massively interconnected environment raises the issue of resource and cost allocation. In this paper we describe the importance of network analysis in support of resource attribution and evaluate a number of examples. We offer evidence to support our hypothesis that, in the face of the current evolution of global information infrastructure, vastly expanding both in ubiquity and sophistication of applications, Internet policy considerations and network analysis must begin to interact in ways not previously recognized or implemented. In particular, as the scale of, access to, and commercialization of the Internet broadens, cost allocation among (even globally) shared resources will require the development of new accounting and billing models to accommodate the wide range of players and services.
