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Bibliography Details

D. Feldman, Y. Shavitt, and N. Zilberman, "A structural approach for PoP geo-location", Computer Networks, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 1029-1040, Feb 2012.

A structural approach for PoP geo-location
Authors: D. Feldman
Y. Shavitt
N. Zilberman
Published: Computer Networks, 2012
Entry Date: 2013-08-16
Abstract: Inferring PoP level maps is gaining interest due to its importance to many areas, e.g., for tracking the Internet evolution and studying its properties. In this paper we introduce a novel structural approach to automatically generate large scale PoP level maps using traceroute measurement from multiple locations. The PoPs are first identified based on their structure, and are then assigned a location using information from several geo-location databases. We discuss the tradeoffs in this approach and provide extensive validation details. The generated maps can be widely used for research, and we provide some possible directions.