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Bibliography Details

N. Groschwitz and G. Polyzos, "A Time-Series Model of Long-Term Traffic on the NSFNET Backbone", in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), May 1994.

A Time-Series Model of Long-Term Traffic on the NSFNET Backbone
Authors: N. Groschwitz
G. Polyzos
Published: IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1994
Entry Date: 2004-02-06

We used time series analysis to create detailed forecasts of future NSFNET backbone traffic. The resultin g ARIMA model made quite accurate forecasts of traffic levels up to a year in advance. It appears that the model can make reasonable predictions for two or more years into the future, suggesting that ARIMA modeling has great promise as a tool for long-range NSFNET forecasting and planning.
