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Bibliography Details

Qianli Zhang and Xing Li, "An IP Address Anonymization Scheme with Multiple Access Levels", in ICOIN, 2006.

An IP Address Anonymization Scheme with Multiple Access Levels
Authors: Qianli Zhang
Xing Li
Published: ICOIN, 2006
Entry Date: 2008-06-09
Abstract: Real world traffic traces are important for Internet research, but public available traffic traces are rare for privacy concerns. IP address anonymization may serve to avoid privacy issues. There are many IP address anonymization schemes according to different requirements and trustworthy levels of the expected users. However, anonymized traces often have to address several groups of researchers at the same time, each with a distinct trustworthy level. Previously known IP address anonymization schemes have to be applied separately to form multiple copies each corresponding to a scheme. In this paper, we propose a scheme which will anonymize the original trace into one single trace, and with different knowledge (secret key) users may recover different traces from it.