Publications Using CAIDA Online Datasets

Users of CAIDA online data are asked to provide information about publications appearing in the scientific literature that use CAIDA data. In addition we periodically search the scientific literature for additional publications. Detailed information about these papers can be found in the list of Non-CAIDA Publications using CAIDA Data. It should be noted that because literature searches (which turn up the bulk of the papers listed) are done only about twice a year. Hence the counts for the most recent year can be very incomplete, representing numbers after the last literature search.

Geographical Distribution of Authors and Co-Authors

Using the affiliations provided in the publications we track the geographic distribution of all first authors.

The table lists the number of first authors for each country of origin encountered.

External data papers: authors per country and papers per author Last updated on 2023-Jul-10 05:00:13 UTC

Number of authors per country

As determined from author affiliations specified in papers.
The count includes authors and co-authors
There are 3255 papers with 2118 different authors in 105 countries
The average number of authors per paper is 1.0

United States929Singapore16Vatican City State (Holy See)4Haiti1
China553Norway15Bangladesh3Hong Kong1
India173Austria13Croatia (Hrvatska)3Honduras1
Germany139Saudi Arabia12Slovenia3Estonia1
Italy101South Africa10Denmark3Ethiopia1
United Kingdom92Viet Nam10Lebanon3Morocco1
Japan70Ukraine9East Timor (Timor-Leste)2New Caledonia1
Korea (South)61Tunisia7Palestine2Uruguay1
Switzerland48Iraq6Philippines2USSR (former)1
Greece30Romania5Cyprus2Solomon Islands1
Belgium28Chile5El Salvador2Algeria1
Portugal28Kenya5Slovak Republic2Laos1
Sweden27United Arab Emirates5Sudan2Luxembourg1
Taiwan24Indonesia5Lithuania2American Samoa1
Great Britain (UK)21Bulgaria4Azerbaijan2Seychelles0
Hungary21Jordan4Burkina Faso1Venezuela0
Czech Republic20Nigeria4Georgia1
Finland17New Zealand4Ghana1

Number of papers by most prolific authors

Chen, Y.12Liu, Y.11Chen, X.9Li, X.7
Zhang, Y.12Chen, Z.11Behal, S.9Liu, B.7
Reviriego, P.12Liu, Z.11Wang, F.9Yu, Y.7
Wang, Y.12Bou-Harb, E.10Wang, H.8Aghaei-Foroushani, V.7

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See!links=tag:caida%20links=tag:used_caida_data to explore related objects to this document in the CAIDA Resource Catalog.
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