Non-CAIDA Data Resources

CAIDA is not the only group that provides researchers with access to internet data sets. Below we provide a non-exhaustive list of these external (non-CAIDA) data resources.

If you know of any other resources that you think should be listed here, please, email a link to

Type of Data Description Organization
Eurocom KAD traces Links to results of crawling the peers of the KAD peer-to-peer network Internet Research Group at Eurecom
PCH Internet Exchange Directory Report on Internet Exchange Point Locations Packet Clearing House
PCH Routing Archive Routing table snapshots Packet Clearing House
INRDB intro Intro to Internet Number Resource Database that indexes the RIPE NCC databases and other entities RIPE (Réseaux IP Européens)
INRDB RIR delegations query Query tool for lookup of resources (AS #, IPv4, IPv6 prefix) in the RIRs' stats files RIPE (Réseaux IP Européens)
INRDB RIS RIB Light query Query tool for lookup of resources (AS #, IPv4, IPv6 prefix) in RIS RIB table dumps RIPE (Réseaux IP Européens)
RIPE NCC Database Registration information for networks in the the RIPE NCC service region RIPE (Réseaux IP Européens)
RIPE TTM Service Test Traffic Measurement Service RIPE (Réseaux IP Européens)
WITS Data @ RIPE Mirror of WITS passive traffic data at RIPE NCC RIPE (Réseaux IP Européens)
UNIBS Data Sharing Anonymized traces collected by U. Brescia Ground Truth (GT) software suite. Telecommunication Networks Group @ U. Brescia
WITS Anon FTP Site Download site for datasets in WITS catalogue The Waikato Internet Traffic Storage project
WITS Data Catalogue Catalogue of WITS traffic trace datasets The Waikato Internet Traffic Storage project
UMass Trace Repository Links to a variety of traces either collected at, or donated to, UMass UMass Trace Repository Project
Routeviews BGP RIB archive BGP RIBs and updates collected from Zebra routers in MRT format University of Oregon RouteViews Project
WIDE Traffic Archive Packet traces from WIDE backbone WIDE MAWI Working Group
ITA Network Traces Network traces available in the Internet Traffic Archive Internet Traffic Archive
IDS Traces IDS-related pcap traces from IDS exercises and competitions Netresec
FCC MBA Measuring Broadband America FCC

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See!caida to explore related objects to this document in the CAIDA Resource Catalog.
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