IPv6 Topology Collection 2007
The current Internet network layer protocol - Internet Protocol version
4 (IPv4) - has been strained by the rapid growth of the Internet. Many
regions of the world are beginning to use the new IPv6 protocol which
supports vastly more directly addressable Internet hosts than IPv4.
In partnership with a global array of volunteers, we coordinated a
measurement snapshot of the IPv6 topology beginning on 4 March 2005.
We used the measurement data to generate this IPv6 AS-level Internet
Topology Core map.
CAIDA is now calling for volunteers to participate in a 2007 IPv6 measurement experiment. We would like the measurements to begin anytime between Tuesday November 27th and December 4th, 2007.
Download scamper and the IPv6 destination list provided below.
Compile with (on Linux, Mac OS X) with
make -f Makefile.gnuor (on FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD)makeThen run scamper (as root, or setuid root scamper and run as an ordinary user), this will take a few minutes, with:
scamper -O warts -o <site-name*>.warts ipv6.20071127-1204.listexample: scamper -O warts -o san.caida.warts ipv6.20071127.list
*If the city location of your probe has a three letter airport code, please start with this code. san = San Diego, lax = Los Angeles, etc
scamper: scamper-cvs-20070523i.tar.gz (link to external site) MD5: 9f9228da76c0f74c38ea1711ec500e0c
SHA1: 9343192fa65f843b288a954961cdc7c6a313ef7eIPv6 list: ipv6.20071127-1204.txt
(No longer accepting uploads.)