

PeeringDB, an online database of peering policies, traffic volumes and geographic presence of participating networks. PeeringDB, a non-profit member-based organization, has been established to support practical needs of network operators. However, it is also a valuable source of information for researchers. The first version of PeeringDB resided in a MySQL database, which was not scalable and lacked security features and data validation mechanisms. It presented potential risks of exposing contact information to spammers, and contained typos. Starting at the end of March 2016, PeeringDB switched to a new data schema and API.

CAIDA manages the only repository of daily snapshots of historic PeeringDB data. The repository consists of two parts, version 1 and version 2. Daily snapshots of version 1 are available as sql and sqlite files covering July 29, 2010, to March 13, 2016. In 2016 peeringDB switched to a new format. These new version 2 data are available as sql files from May 27, 2016, to March 10, 2018; and as json files from March 11, 2018, onwards.


The daily snapshots are in both sql, sqlite and/or json formats. The schemas of the snapshots are not uniform; we suggest users to explore the data structure.


  sqlite3 peeringdb_dump_2016_03_14.sqlite 
  sqlite> .table 
  sqlite> .schema mgmtFacilities 


Collection of this dataset was funded under "The economics of transit and peering interconnections in the Internet" grant

Acceptable Use Agreement

Please read the terms of the CAIDA Acceptable Use Agreement (AUA) for Publicy Accessible Datasets below:

When referencing this data (as required by the AUA), please use:

The CAIDA UCSD PeeringDB Dataset, <date range used>
You are required to report your publications using this dataset to CAIDA.

Data Access

Access the public CAIDA UCSD PeeringDB Dataset

Related Work


[LODHI] A. Lodhi, Larson N., Dhamdhere A., Dovrolis C., Claffy K., Using PeeringDB to Understand the Peering Ecosystem, ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review (CCR), 2014.

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