1. path and round trip time measurements
1.1 project focus
- large scale infrastructure-wide measurements
- round trip time and path to thousands of destinations
- packet loss
- connectivity (characteristics of directed graph from a source)
- visibility, frequency, effects of routing changes
- dynamically discover and focus on `interesting' routers
- correlate path performance with proximate events
- use passive measurement data to guide direction of active measurements
1.2 why not one-way trip time measurements?
- goal: large scale measurement of network topology,
with correlation across many paths (tens of thousands) - no such infrastructure for one-way transit time measurements
- another project doing one-way transit time measurements
(Stephen Donnelly from U. Waikato, NZ; SDSC)
1.3 measurement methodology
- parallel ICMP probe daemon
- ICMP echo request packets of 52 total bytes
- kernel timestamping in ICMP payload for RTT to destinations
- path data: new ARTS data object:
- source, dst IP addresses
- IP addresses of hops in forward path to destination
- round trip time from source to destination and back
HEADER magic: 57264 (0xdfb0) identifier: 12288 (0x3000) version: 0 (0x0) flags: 0 (0x0) num_attributes: 1 (0x1) attr_length: 12 (0xc) data_length: 87 (0x57) ATTRIBUTE creation: 06/05/1998 02:28:47 (0x3577901f) IPPATH OBJECT DATA Src: (0x32ed4cc) Dst: (0x10160c6) Rtt: 83.134 ms HopDistance: 18 (0x12) IsComplete: true NumHops: 17 (0x11) HopNum: 1 IpAddr: (0x12ed4cc) HopNum: 2 IpAddr: (0xd2dd4cc) HopNum: 3 IpAddr: (0x134eecd) HopNum: 4 IpAddr: (0x9538eecd) HopNum: 5 IpAddr: (0x1538eecd) HopNum: 6 IpAddr: (0x6e38eecd) HopNum: 7 IpAddr: (0x7238eecd) HopNum: 8 IpAddr: (0x7e38eecd) HopNum: 9 IpAddr: (0x90146cc) HopNum: 10 IpAddr: (0xcd0446cc) HopNum: 11 IpAddr: (0x5d0146cc) HopNum: 12 IpAddr: (0x540346cc) HopNum: 13 IpAddr: (0x7ab946cc) HopNum: 14 IpAddr: (0x8deecfcd) HopNum: 15 IpAddr: (0x663744c0) HopNum: 16 IpAddr: (0xc0fb982) HopNum: 17 IpAddr: (0xa201b982)
1.4 initial observations (hop distance distribution)
1.5 initial observations (frequency of IP addresses in paths)
key routers play huge role in global connectivity from a given source
example, measured from CAIDA in San Diego (Aug 21, 1998):
- 1 hour poll cycle
- 22,159 destinations, mostly WWW servers
- IP addresses spread across advertised IPv4 space
- 30,163 intermediate IP addresses visited
- number of routers touched is indeterminate
- (multiple IP addresses can map to same router)
- only 154 IP addresses appaer in more than 1% of paths
note log-log scale
1.6 observations: visible outdegree (indicates many next hops/peerings)
from San Diego
IP address outdegree ----------------- --------- 70 65 61 55 54 50 41 36 35 34 32 32 30
1.7 scope of CAIDA measurements (12 mo projection)
- about 20 sources spread throughout network (commercial locations where possible)
- time granularity dictated by pps rate at each source
- data archival sufficient for trend analysis (several months)
1.8 architecture
- measurement hosts (FreeBSD 2.2.x on Intel)
- data archive hosts (raid5 disk array, HPSS)
- storage format: ARTS extensions (ARTS licensed from ANS)
- data analysis/presentation hosts (graph layout, SCCs)
1.9 visualization efforts skping: real-time single destination RTT measurement/display
skpath: real-time single @@dwm path dynamics monitor
skpath caida.mae.net to nms1.san-francisco.ans.net
1.10 data visualization: RTT candle plots
historical order statistics in candle plots (aggregation of large datasets)
NOTE: heavy-tailed distributions.
1.11 Cisco with prefix cache
skping: real-time single destination RTT measurement/display
- Cisco routers with a high outdegree make bad targets
- periodic tasks very evident
- routers with prefix cache have statistically
significant problems (prefix cache ager) - Ciscos running CEF seem okay
1.12 Cisco running CEF
1.13 data viz: RTT candle plots, to aggregate larger data sets
simple forward path analysis
- Wrong way: ping each hop along a path (ala
). - forward path to destination may differ from forward path to any intermediate hop along the way
- direct packets at final destination and increment TTL (just like traceroute)
the naive approach taken by some tools can be misleading....
NOTE: you can do both, but presumably you'll want to know the difference in the paths and should hence just add the hops as individual targets which are measured in the same manner as the final destination.
1.14 further RTT visualizations
- other periodic behavior of various frequencies,
- spectraal analysis to characterize such periodicity, and perhaps capturing congestion collapse phenomena
1.15 macroscopic topology visualization
- drawing directed graphs difficult due to scale but
not impossible
- 2D layouts in Euclidean space are insufficient for large graphs:
- number of nodes grows exponentially from root while circumference of circle grows only polynomially. Result: clutter
- example of 2D layout using 'otter'
- 2D layout algorithms converge slowly for large graphs (SCCs)
- even 3D layouts in Euclidean space are insufficient
- hyperbolic space layout projected into a ball in euclidean space seems promising. See: http://graphics.stanford.edu/papers/h3/
1.16 next steps
- 3D visualizations based on Tamara Munzner's work
- enhancement and porting of ARTS
- deployment of additional measurement hosts
- correlation with passive measurements
- trend analysis, identification of further measurements
22 aug 98, kc, info@caida.org
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