Comparison of end-to-end distance metrics
Comparison of end-to-end
distance metrics

Bradley Huffaker

ISMA, Routing and Topology Analysis, December 2001


  • methodology
  • metrics
  • success rate
  • conclusion


  • skitter project (data collection): IP forward path topology and RTT
  • methodology: scoring the rate at which a metric can successfully predict low RTT

skitter project

  • monitors
    • trace = forward IP path and RTT between monitor and destination
    • cycle = a single run launching traces to the entire destination list
  • destination lists
    • DNS clients
      • one DNS client per prefix
      • 53% of prefixes
      • 8 to 14 cycles per day
    • IPv4 list
      • one IP address per /24 in routable prefix
      • 54% of prefixes and 5.7% of /24s
      • 1 cycle per day


  • scoring the ability of different metrics to correctly
  • select servers with the lowest RTT
    • client: IP trying to select best (IP) from a set of servers
    • server: server (IP address) offering desired service
  • caida monitors are client and destinations are servers
  • allows different metrics to be compared on the basis
  • of a single valuet>

evaluation algorithm>

if (rttA == rttB || serverA == serverB)
    throw out this data point
elsif (metricA == metricB)
    unusable++   # no predictive value
elsif (((metricA < metricB) && (rttA < rttB))
  || ((metricA > metricB) && (rttA > rttB)))


  • IP path Length: lowest TTL for request to which the destination responsed
  • AS path length: number of times the AS changed in an AS path
  • geographic distance: great circle distance from source to destination
  • median RTT: median RTT from previous day

IP path length

  • how to estimate without probing?
    • shortest path in a shared IP topology
    • collected by global infrastructure
  • study
    • lowest TTL which got a response

AS path length

  • how to estimate without probing?
    • collect BGP tables that store AS paths
    • requires only a single connection to a local router (no burden on wider infrastructure)
  • study
    • > no BGP table at most monitors
    • abstracted AS path from IP path (using routeviews BGP tables)
    • AS path length = number of times AS changed in the path

skitter's AS path length vs BGP's AS path length

  • Negative spike for Filtered BGP Table indicates no matches
  • Filtered - Skitter is the curve for the difference between AS path seen by Skitter and that in the BGP table

geographic distance

  • great circle distance between geographic locations of destination and monitor
  • how to estimate without probing?
    • location of client should be known by client
    • database for IP-to-geographic location mapping for servers
  • study
    • location of monitors known and fixed
    • location of destination received from IPMapper commerical geographic mapping tool (See:

geographic distance and RTT

  • three clusters of high density on both RTT and geography
  • West Coast, East Coast. Europe/Asia

median RTT

  • median RTT from sample of the previous day
  • how to estimate without probing?
    • requires the client to continuously monitor all servers
    • generates much unnecessary traffic
  • study
    • same

percentage of successful trials

  • RTT median unsurprising; provides over 90% success rate
  • geographic distance provides 75% success within the US, but only two of the five non-US monitors achieved this
  • IP path length is a little better then random
  • AS path length is only as good as random

percentage of unusable trials

  • AS path length has a large percentage of unusable trials due to tightness of AS path length's distribution
  • even for those trials where AS path length was useful as a differentiating metric, it was no better than 60%

stability of results

  • all metrics highly stable, with only minor local fluctuation
  • IP path length, AS path length, geographic distance, median RTT

RTT accumulation

  • success rate of each metric as number of cycles increases
  • median enjoys greatest success up to 24 hour period
  • taking a single RTT value near the current time of day is more effective than averaging all values in between
  • storing RTT over a 24 hour period is not helpful for use in median calculation

unusual metrics

  • 1st-to-3rd quartile average, average across the values within the 1st and 3rd quartile
  • median group, only uses the traces taken 6 hours either side of the current time of day


  • geography provides a reasonable indicator of low RTT within the US, no probing of (zero cost to) network
  • AS path length is easy to collect but not statistically useful
  • when calculating median, storing RTT over a 24 hour period is not helpful

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On 21 Dec 2001, 16:32.

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