Mean Query Rate Variation Data

The following table presents the variation in query rate seen for the root server instances participating in DITL 2006 and 2007.

Variation is calculated as the percentage of change observed between DITL 2006 and DITL 2007 query rates. Red values indicate a decrease in query rate.

Instance DITL 2006
mean query rate
DITL 2007
mean query rate
Variation (%) Absolute difference
c-iad1 2288.541 3804.271 66.2 1515.730
c-jfk1 646.175 2090.399 223.5 1444.223
c-lax1 1509.238 2718.348 80.1 1209.110
c-ord1 1632.148 1723.744 5.6 91.596
f-akl1 25.500 49.441 93.9 23.941
f-ams1 548.322 899.213 64.0 350.892
f-bcn1 16.868 29.398 74.3 12.530
f-bne1 164.099 188.056 14.6 23.957
f-cdg1 243.108 264.058 8.6 20.951
f-cgk1 6.076 150.806 2382.0 144.730
f-dac1 4.545 4.481 -1.4 -0.063
f-dxb1 9.975 80.370 705.7 70.395
f-gru1 698.548 695.297 -0.5 -3.251
f-hkg1 314.937 478.529 51.9 163.592
f-jnb1 34.401 46.863 36.2 12.462
f-khi1 38.138 41.319 8.3 3.181
f-kix1 94.380 234.791 148.8 140.411
f-lax1 108.310 79.532 -26.6 -28.777
f-lcy1 90.577 58.319 -35.6 -32.259
f-lga1 167.203 205.202 22.7 37.998
f-lis1 178.772 286.956 60.5 108.184
f-maa1 31.061 183.295 490.1 152.234
f-mad1 373.223 429.749 15.1 56.526
f-mty1 174.903 312.034 78.4 137.131
f-muc1 678.136 894.248 31.9 216.112
f-nbo1 5.966 13.165 120.7 7.200
f-pao1 2461.533 2563.456 4.1 101.922
f-prg1 71.277 217.142 204.6 145.865
f-scl1 92.955 239.722 157.9 146.767
f-sel1 596.730 212.983 -64.3 -383.748
f-sfo2 780.846 2012.703 157.8 1231.857
f-svo1 76.876 107.003 39.2 30.127
f-tlv1 90.971 140.339 54.3 49.368
f-tpe1 313.147 473.474 51.2 160.327
f-yow1 23.366 55.697 138.4 32.331
f-yyz1 196.295 249.887 27.3 53.592
k-amsterdam 1675.500 2805.416 67.4 1129.917
k-brisbane 159.112 83.088 -47.8 -76.024
k-budapest 90.912 85.431 -6.0 -5.481
k-geneva 192.883 56.464 -70.7 -136.419
k-delhi 282.046 404.051 43.3 122.006
k-helsinki 71.730 259.097 261.2 187.367
k-athens 62.069 57.963 -6.6 -4.106
k-reykjavik 17.438 17.650 1.2 0.212
k-london 2426.418 4864.520 100.5 2438.103
k-milan 16.116 12.673 -21.4 -3.443
k-miami 1176.225 702.706 -40.3 -473.520
k-moscow 1.761 3.247 1.844 1.486
k-poznan 48.278 26.825 -55.6 -21.453
k-tokyo 556.493 488.527 -12.2 -67.965

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