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Library libCfd

Library libCfd

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typedef map<CflowdAsMatrixKey, CflowdAsMatrixTrafficCounter, less<CflowdAsMatrixKey> > CflowdAsMatrixMap_t;
typedef map<uint8_t,CflowdCiscoFlowEngine,less<uint8_t> > _CflowdCiscoFlowEngineMap_t;
typedef map<uint16_t,CflowdCiscoFlowInterface,less<uint16_t> > _CflowdCiscoFlowInterfaceMap_t;
typedef map<ipv4addr_t,CflowdCisco *,less<ipv4addr_t> > _CflowdCiscoMap_t;
typedef map<ipv4addr_t,CflowdCollector *,less<ipv4addr_t> > _CflowdCollectorMap_t;
typedef struct CiscoFlowHeaderV1_t;
typedef struct CiscoFlowEntryV1_t;
typedef struct CiscoFlowHeaderV5_t;
typedef struct CiscoFlowEntryV5_t;
typedef struct CiscoFlowHeaderV6_t;
typedef struct CiscoFlowEntryV6_t;
typedef list<CflowdFlowPort> _CflowdFlowPortList_t;
typedef map<CflowdInterfaceMatrixKey, CflowdInterfaceMatrixTrafficCounter, less<CflowdInterfaceMatrixKey> > CflowdInterfaceMatrixMap_t;
typedef map<CflowdNetMatrixKey, CflowdNetMatrixTrafficCounter, less<CflowdNetMatrixKey> > CflowdNetMatrixMap_t;
typedef map<ipv4addr_t,CflowdNextHopTableTrafficCounter,less<ipv4addr_t> > _CflowdNextHopTableMap_t;
typedef map<CflowdPortMatrixKey, CflowdPortMatrixTrafficCounter, less<CflowdPortMatrixKey> > CflowdPortMatrixMap_t;
typedef map<uint8_t,CflowdProtocolTableTrafficCounter,less<uint8_t> > _CflowdProtocolTableMap_t;
typedef struct sigaction sigactStruct;

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Global Functions

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typedef map<CflowdAsMatrixKey, CflowdAsMatrixTrafficCounter, less<CflowdAsMatrixKey> > CflowdAsMatrixMap_t;

#include "CflowdAsMatrix.hh"

No documentation available.

typedef  map<CflowdAsMatrixKey, CflowdAsMatrixTrafficCounter, less<CflowdAsMatrixKey> >   CflowdAsMatrixMap_t;

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typedef map<uint8_t,CflowdCiscoFlowEngine,less<uint8_t> > _CflowdCiscoFlowEngineMap_t;

#include "CflowdCiscoFlowEngineMap.hh"

No documentation available.

typedef map<uint8_t,CflowdCiscoFlowEngine,less<uint8_t> > _CflowdCiscoFlowEngineMap_t;

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typedef map<uint16_t,CflowdCiscoFlowInterface,less<uint16_t> > _CflowdCiscoFlowInterfaceMap_t;

#include "CflowdCiscoFlowInterfaceMap.hh"

No documentation available.

typedef map<uint16_t,CflowdCiscoFlowInterface,less<uint16_t> > _CflowdCiscoFlowInterfaceMap_t;

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typedef map<ipv4addr_t,CflowdCisco *,less<ipv4addr_t> > _CflowdCiscoMap_t;

#include "CflowdCiscoMap.hh"

No documentation available.

typedef map<ipv4addr_t,CflowdCisco *,less<ipv4addr_t> > _CflowdCiscoMap_t;

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typedef map<ipv4addr_t,CflowdCollector *,less<ipv4addr_t> > _CflowdCollectorMap_t;

#include "CflowdCollectorMap.hh"

No documentation available.

typedef map<ipv4addr_t,CflowdCollector *,less<ipv4addr_t> > _CflowdCollectorMap_t;

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typedef struct CiscoFlowHeaderV1_t;

#include "CflowdFlowPdu.h"

flow-export version 1 header

typedef struct {
  uint16_t    version;        //  flow-export version number
  uint16_t    count;          //  number of flow entries
  uint32_t    sysUptime;
  uint32_t    unix_secs;
  uint32_t    unix_nsecs;
} CiscoFlowHeaderV1_t;

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typedef struct CiscoFlowEntryV1_t;

#include "CflowdFlowPdu.h"

flow-export version 1 flow entry

typedef struct {
  ipv4addr_t   srcaddr;     // source IP address
  ipv4addr_t   dstaddr;     // destination IP address
  ipv4addr_t   nexthop;     // next hop router's IP address
  uint16_t     input;       // input interface index
  uint16_t     output;      // output interface index
  uint32_t     pkts;        // packets sent in duration
  uint32_t     bytes;       // octets sent in duration
  uint32_t     first;       // SysUptime at start of flow
  uint32_t     last;        // and of last packet of flow
  uint16_t     srcport;     // TCP/UDP source port number or equivalent
  uint16_t     dstport;     // TCP/UDP destination port number or equivalent
  uint16_t     pad1;  
  uint8_t      prot;        // IP protocol, e.g., 6=TCP, 17=UDP, ...
  uint8_t      tos;         // IP Type-of-Service
  uint32_t     pad2;
  uint32_t     pad3;
} CiscoFlowEntryV1_t;

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typedef struct CiscoFlowHeaderV5_t;

#include "CflowdFlowPdu.h"

flow-export version 5 header

typedef struct {
  uint16_t    version;        //  flow-export version number
  uint16_t    count;          //  number of flow entries
  uint32_t    sysUptime;
  uint32_t    unix_secs;
  uint32_t    unix_nsecs;
  uint32_t    flow_sequence;  //  sequence number
  uint8_t     engine_type;    //  no VIP = 0, VIP2 = 1
  uint8_t     engine_id;      //  VIP2 slot number
  uint16_t    reserved;       //  unused
} CiscoFlowHeaderV5_t;

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typedef struct CiscoFlowEntryV5_t;

#include "CflowdFlowPdu.h"

flow-export version 5 flow entry

typedef struct {
  ipv4addr_t   srcaddr;     // source IP address
  ipv4addr_t   dstaddr;     // destination IP address
  ipv4addr_t   nexthop;     // next hop router's IP address
  uint16_t     input;       // input interface index
  uint16_t     output;      // output interface index
  uint32_t     pkts;        // packets sent in duration
  uint32_t     bytes;       // octets sent in duration
  uint32_t     first;       // SysUptime at start of flow
  uint32_t     last;        // and of last packet of flow
  uint16_t     srcport;     // TCP/UDP source port number or equivalent
  uint16_t     dstport;     // TCP/UDP destination port number or equivalent
  uint8_t      pad;  
  uint8_t      tcp_flags;   // bitwise OR of all TCP flags in flow; 0x10
                            //  for non-TCP flows
  uint8_t      prot;        // IP protocol, e.g., 6=TCP, 17=UDP, ...
  uint8_t      tos;         // IP Type-of-Service
  uint16_t     src_as;      // originating AS of source address
  uint16_t     dst_as;      // originating AS of destination address
  uint8_t      src_mask;    // source address prefix mask bits
  uint8_t      dst_mask;    // destination address prefix mask bits
  uint16_t     reserved;  
} CiscoFlowEntryV5_t;

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typedef struct CiscoFlowHeaderV6_t;

#include "CflowdFlowPdu.h"

flow-export version 6 header

typedef struct {
  uint16_t  version;         // version
  uint16_t  count;           // the number of records in PDU
  uint32_t  sysUptime;       // current time in msecs since router booted
  uint32_t  unix_secs;       // current seconds since 0000 UTC 1970
  uint32_t  unix_nsecs;      // residual nanoseconds since 0000 UTC 1970
  uint32_t  flow_sequence;   // seq counter of total flows seen
  uint8_t   engine_type;     // type of flow switching engine
  uint8_t   engine_id;       // ID number of the flow switching engine
  uint16_t  reserved;
} CiscoFlowHeaderV6_t;

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typedef struct CiscoFlowEntryV6_t;

#include "CflowdFlowPdu.h"

flow-export version 6 flow entry

typedef struct {
  ipv4addr_t  srcaddr;       // source IP address
  ipv4addr_t  dstaddr;       // destination IP address
  ipv4addr_t  nexthop;       // next hop router's IP address
  uint16_t    input;         // input interface index
  uint16_t    output;        // output interface index
  uint32_t    pkts;          // packets sent in duration
  uint32_t    bytes;         // octets sent in duration
  uint32_t    first;         // SysUptime at start of flow
  uint32_t    last;          // and of last packet of flow
  uint16_t    srcport;       // TCP/UDP source port number or equivalent
  uint16_t    dstport;       // TCP/UDP destination port number or equivalent
  uint8_t     rsvd;
  uint8_t     tcp_flags;     // bitwise OR of all TCP flags seen in flow
  uint8_t     prot;          // IP protocol, e.g., 6=TCP, 17=UDP, ...
  uint8_t     tos;           // IP Type-of-Service
  uint16_t    src_as;        // originating AS of source address
  uint16_t    dst_as;        // originating AS of destination address
  uint8_t     src_mask;      // source address prefix mask bits
  uint8_t     dst_mask;      // destination address prefix mask bits
  uint8_t     in_encaps;     // size in bytes of the input encapsulation
  uint8_t     out_encaps;    // size in bytes of the output encapsulation
  uint32_t    peer_nexthop;  // IP address of the nexthop w/in the peer (FIB)
} CiscoFlowEntryV6_t;

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typedef list<CflowdFlowPort> _CflowdFlowPortList_t;

#include "CflowdFlowPortList.hh"

No documentation available.

typedef list<CflowdFlowPort> _CflowdFlowPortList_t;

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typedef map<CflowdInterfaceMatrixKey, CflowdInterfaceMatrixTrafficCounter, less<CflowdInterfaceMatrixKey> > CflowdInterfaceMatrixMap_t;

#include "CflowdInterfaceMatrix.hh"

No documentation available.

typedef  map<CflowdInterfaceMatrixKey, CflowdInterfaceMatrixTrafficCounter, less<CflowdInterfaceMatrixKey> >   CflowdInterfaceMatrixMap_t;

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typedef map<CflowdNetMatrixKey, CflowdNetMatrixTrafficCounter, less<CflowdNetMatrixKey> > CflowdNetMatrixMap_t;

#include "CflowdNetMatrix.hh"

No documentation available.

typedef  map<CflowdNetMatrixKey, CflowdNetMatrixTrafficCounter, less<CflowdNetMatrixKey> >   CflowdNetMatrixMap_t;

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typedef map<ipv4addr_t,CflowdNextHopTableTrafficCounter,less<ipv4addr_t> > _CflowdNextHopTableMap_t;

#include "CflowdNextHopTable.hh"

No documentation available.

typedef map<ipv4addr_t,CflowdNextHopTableTrafficCounter,less<ipv4addr_t> > _CflowdNextHopTableMap_t;

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typedef map<CflowdPortMatrixKey, CflowdPortMatrixTrafficCounter, less<CflowdPortMatrixKey> > CflowdPortMatrixMap_t;

#include "CflowdPortMatrix.hh"

No documentation available.

typedef  map<CflowdPortMatrixKey, CflowdPortMatrixTrafficCounter, less<CflowdPortMatrixKey> >   CflowdPortMatrixMap_t;

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typedef map<uint8_t,CflowdProtocolTableTrafficCounter,less<uint8_t> > _CflowdProtocolTableMap_t;

#include "CflowdProtocolTable.hh"

No documentation available.

typedef map<uint8_t,CflowdProtocolTableTrafficCounter,less<uint8_t> > _CflowdProtocolTableMap_t;

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typedef struct sigaction sigactStruct;

#include "Signal.hh"

No documentation available.

typedef struct sigaction sigactStruct;

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