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Map Net Source Data

Backbone data file format:

Template example: (last modified mon/day/year)
45 Sacramento, CA       Oakland, CA
45 San Diego, CA        Los Angeles, CA
45 San Francisco, CA    Oakland, CA
45 San Jose, CA         Palo Alto, CA~ Oakland, CA~ Washington, DC
45 Washington, DC       Richmond, VA~ Atlanta, GA~ baltimore, MD~ San Jose, CA
45 Washington, DC  New York, NY
???      -   Sprint.Pennsauken, NJ~ CIX.Palo Alto
internetMCI    -   Boston~ San Francisco
PSINet      -   Washington
(ISP name)
#        Any line that starts with # is a comment line.
(Bandwidth)    (Node name)     (Node name1)~ (Node  name2)~ ..... 
1.5            Chicago, IL     Atlanta, GA~ Boston, IL
A list of the pipes of (Bandwidth) bandwidth from (Node name) to (Nodename1, Nodename2, Nodename3,...). Our processing script will eliminate duplicates, e.g., you would only need to include one of
1.5     Chicago, IL     Atlanta, GA
1.5     Atlanta, GA     Chicago, IL
for the link to exist (though for sanity checking we typically put both into the raw data file). Multiple connections between the same two nodes are indicated by a number at the end of the nodename for each connection after the first, e.g.
1.5     Chicago, IL     Atlanta, GA~ Atlanta, GA2~ Atlanta, GA3~ ....   
Connections to (ATM/or other layer 2) clouds use the same format, with %cloudname% first:
(Bandwidth)     %(Cloud Name)%    (Node Name1)~ (Node name2)
1.5       %PSCN Frame Relay%      ARC,CA~ ARC, CA2
The format for peering information at a node is below. If you do not know or prefer not to indicate with whom you peer at a node, an ??? will indicate that you peer there without specifying the other end of the peering relationship(s). E.g.,
IMCI      -  CIX.Palo Alto, CA
???      -  CIX.Palo Alto, CA

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