AGIS | Apex Global Information Services, Inc. |
AF Academy | Air Force Academy |
AMES | Ames Laboratory, IA |
AMES | Moffet Field, VA |
ANL | Argonne National Laboratory, IL |
ARC | Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, CA |
ARL-ARP | Address Resolution Layer - Address Resolution Protocol |
ASN-DNA-SCN | Defense Nuclear Agency |
ASU | Arizona State University, AZ |
BBN | Bolt, Beranek and Newman, in Cambridge, MA |
BBSO | Big Bear Solar Observatory, CA |
BNL | Brookhaven National Laboratory, NY |
BNSFBA | Brainstorm Networks, San Francisco Bay Area |
Bell | Bell Laboratories in Middletown, NJ |
CEWES | Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station |
CIT | California Institute of Technology, CA |
CMU | Carnegie Mellon Collage near Pittsburgh, PA |
CTC | Cornell Theory Center, NY |
CTIO Chile | Cerro Tololo Inter-american Observatory, Chile |
DARPA | Defense Advanced Research Project Agency, Arlington, VA |
DC | Washington DC |
DFRF | Dryden Flight Research Center, CA |
DNG | Downers Grove, IL |
DNJ | Denver Junction |
ESA | European Space Agency |
FNAL | Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, IL |
FSU | Florida State University, FL |
GA | General Atomics, CA |
GIFF | Goddard Institute for Space Studies, NY |
GRM | Grumann Aerospace, NJ |
GSFC | Goddard Space Flight Center, DC |
HAY | Hayward, CA |
HSJ | Hoston Junction |
INDEL | Idaho National Engineering Lab, ID |
ISI-E | Information Sciences Institute - East |
ISI-W | Information Sciences Institute - West |
ISTS | Institute for Space and Terrestrial Science |
ITER | International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor, CA |
JIS | Joint Inertconnection Service |
JLAB | Jefferson Lab, VA |
JPL | Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena, CA |
JRL | Barstow, CA |
JSC | Johnson Space Center in Houston, TX |
KSC | Kennedy Space Center, FL |
LA | Los Angales, CA |
LANL | Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM |
LBL | Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory |
LBNL | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, CA |
LPI | Lunar and Planetary Institute, TX |
LaRC | Langley RES. CTR. in Hampton, VA |
LeRC | Lewis RES. CTR. in Cleveland, OH |
MSFC | Marshall Space Flight Center in Birmingham, AL |
Nacamar | Nacamar Global AS, Nacamar Data Communications, Germany |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
NAWC-WPN | Naval Air Warfare Center |
NCAR | National Center for Atmospheric Research , CO |
NCCOSC | Naval Command, Control, and Oceanographic Surveillance Center |
NCSA | Nat. Ctr. SupCom. App. , Ill |
NEVIS | Nevis Laboratory, NY |
NFESC | Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology, CO |
NMHU | New Mexico Highlands University, NM |
NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency, VA |
NOR | North Royalton |
NORDA | Naval Ocean Research and Development Activity |
NRC | National Research Council, Canada |
NRG School | Naval Postgraduate School |
NRL-DC | Navel Research Laboraory, Washington DC |
NRL-SSC | Navel Research Laboraory, Stennis Space Center, MS |
NRL-V6 | Navel research lab version six - Washington, DC |
NSBF | National Scientific Ballon Facility, TX |
NSO | National Solar Observatory, NM |
NTF | National Transonic Facility, Hampton, VA |
NYU | New York University, NY |
OER | Office of Energy Research, DC |
OR | Oregon State, OR |
ORAU | Oak Ridge Associated Universities, TN |
ORNL | Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN |
ORO | Oak Ridge Observatory |
OSTI | Office of Science and Technology Information, TN |
OVRO | Owens Valley Radio Observatory, CA |
PNNL | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, WA |
POP | Point Of Presence |
PPPL | Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, NJ |
PSC | Pittsburg SC, PA |
PYM | Perryman, MD |
Penn S | Pennsylvania State, PA |
SAO | Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, MA |
SLAC | Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, CA |
SNLA | Sandia National Laboratories, NM |
SNLL | Sandia National Laboratories, CA |
SRI | SRI Internation in Menlo Park, CA |
SRS | Savannah River Site, SC |
SWRI | SouthWest Research Institute, TX |
TIOC | Technology Integration and Operations Center, in Overland Park, Kansas |
TIS | Trusted Information Systems, DC |
TWC | TeleWork Center, CA |
UA | University of Alaska, AK |
UA | University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ |
UAH, AL | University of Al/Huntsville |
UDEL | Wilmington, DE |
UH | University of Hawaii, HI |
UK | University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS |
UM | University of Minneapolis, MN |
UM | University of Montana, MT |
UO | University of Oregon, OR |
USGS | U.S. Geological SurveyAZ |
USNO | U.S. Naval Obervatory |
USRA | University Space Research Association, AL |
UTA | University of Texas at Austin, TX |
UTSI | University of Tennesse Space Institute, TN |
WHOI | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, MA |
WNA | WoldNet Access |
WPAFB | Wright-Patterson Air Force Base |
WRAIR | Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Wash., DC |
Wallops FF | Wallops Flight Facility, VA |
YALE | Yale University, CT |