The contents of this legacy page are no longer maintained nor supported, and are made available only for historical purposes.

Walrus: High Resolution Images

These graphs below uses CAIDA's Walrus tool to a UNIX directory tree in 3D hyperbolic space.

These are the only available high resolution Walrus images available.

NOTE: These images have gamma 1.0 (except for the thumbnails which have gamma 2.2). Adjust their gamma to your needs.

normal lines -- 2048x2048 (173x173mm at 300DPI)
normal lines -- 2048x2048 (173x173mm at 300DPI)

PNG (623K)
TIFF (12M)

thick lines -- 2048x2048 (173x173mm at 300DPI)
thick lines -- 2048x2048 (173x173mm at 300DPI)

PNG (623K)
TIFF (12M)

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