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Bibliography Details

M. Beiro, J. Alvarez-Hamelin, and J. Busch, "A low complexity visualization tool that helps to perform complex systems analysis", New Journal of Physics, vol. 10, no. 12, pp. 125003, Dec 2008.

A low complexity visualization tool that helps to perform complex systems analysis
Authors: M. Beiro
J. Alvarez-Hamelin
J. Busch
Published: New Journal of Physics, 2008
Entry Date: 2009-01-08
Abstract: In this paper, we present an extension of large network visualization (LaNet-vi), a tool to visualize large scale networks using the k-core decomposition. One of the new features is how vertices compute their angular position. While in the later version it is done using shell clusters, in this version we use the angular coordinate of vertices in higher k-shells, and arrange the highest shell according to a cliques decomposition. The time complexity goes from O(n*sqrt(n)) to O(n) upon bounds on a heavy-tailed degree distribution. The tool also performs a k-core-connectivity analysis, highlighting vertices that are not k-connected; e.g. this property is useful to measure robustness or quality of service (QoS) capabilities in communication networks. Finally, the actual version of LaNet-vi can draw labels and all the edges using transparencies, yielding an accurate visualization. Based on the obtained figure, it is possible to distinguish different sources and types of complex networks at a glance, in a sort of 'network iris-print'.