May 22 (Thursday)
Place: University of California San Diego, San Diego Supercomputer Center, Main Building, Room 408- 10:00 Meeting begins
- BGP, Traceroute, Topology, and Performance Inference
- Ethan Katz-Bassett (USC), Mininet+Transit
- Mininet + Transit Portal mashup to let you emulate an AS and run it on the Internet, to allow meaningful BGP experiments
- understanding BGP policies and path changes
- Matthew Luckie (UCSD/CAIDA), Scalable interdomain link identification using traceroute data
- Vasileios Giotsas (UCSD/CAIDA), Complex AS Relationship Inference
- e.g., hybrid, partial transit
lunch break
- Alberto Dainotti (UCSD/CAIDA), Lost in Space: Improving Inference of IPv4 Address Space Utilization
- Lance Alt (Naval Postgraduate School), Topology Deception
- discerning instances of fake hosts responding to IP queries in labrea-style tarpits. Along with Internet-wide permutation scanning, we're finding lots of this stuff in the wild.
- Rob Beverly (Naval Postgraduate School), TCP-Hiccups
- tamper-evident TCP
- Bradley Huffaker (UCSD/CAIDA), DrOP: DNS-based router geolocation
- also known as DrOP, the related system we are building to implement the ideas
- Ethan Katz-Bassett (USC), Mininet+Transit
May 23 (Friday)
- CDN and Traceroute
- Ethan Katz-Bassett (USC), Google's CDN
- performance, limitations, potential
- Traceroute Discussion: how to support
- link and one-way latency measurement
- reverse traceroute for all: scaling for wider user base
- metrics for quantifying the representativeness and usefulness of different sets of VPs
- data and control plane views e.g., at IXPs (AMS-IX to send/receive routes/traffic, others?)
- congestion detection and analysis
lunch break
- Ethan Katz-Bassett (USC), Google's CDN
- IPv6 and Traceroute
- Rob Beverly (Naval Postgraduate School), IPv6 Infrastructure Uptime
- IPv6 Topology (Rob Beverly)
- Finding IPv6 router interfaces
- Using our topology primitives to map IPv6
- Active v4/v6 sibling resolution using TCP fingerprinting
- Ethan Katz-Bassett (USC), Infrastructure goal
- platform to integrate different sets of traceroute vantage points and allow richer queries than "what's the path from S to D?"
- Industry/Standards Support for Measurement
- Should we try to push Cisco and standarization bodies to support richer measurement?
- Lance Alt (Naval Postgraduate School)
- Ethan Katz-Bassett (USC)
- Rob Beverly (Naval Postgraduate School)
- kc claffy (UCSD/CAIDA)
- Alberto Dainotti (UCSD/CAIDA)
- Amogh Dhamdhere (UCSD/CAIDA)
- Marina Fomenkov (UCSD/CAIDA)
- Vasileios Giotsas (UCSD/CAIDA)
- Bradley Huffaker (UCSD/CAIDA)
- Young Hyun (UCSD/CAIDA)
- Alistair King (UCSD/CAIDA)
- Matthew Luckie (UCSD/CAIDA)
- Chiara Orsini (UCSD/CAIDA)
- Josh Polterock (UCSD/CAIDA)
Local Arrangements / Getting to UCSD
For this mini-workshop, attendees are expected to make their own hotel reservations and transportation arrangements from their hotels to the workshop.
The workshop will be held in room 408 of the main SDSC building.
General UCSD Maps and general UCSD Visitor Parking information are useful resources for navigating on campus.