IPv4 Prefix-Probing Traceroute Dataset

The IPv4 Prefix-Probing dataset consists of daily traceroutes to every announced BGP prefix (around 609k as of Jan 2016) from a subset of Ark monitors. Each monitor probes the entire set of targets independently, and each monitor completes exactly one pass of the target set every calendar day (aligned on UTC boundaries).

These data result from CAIDA's traceroute-based measurements running on the Archipelago (Ark) measurement infrastructure (also see CAIDA's Macroscopic Topology Project). We use BGPStream to gather announced BGP prefixes from RIPE and RouteViews BGP data. Each day, we derive a new set of announced prefixes using a sliding window of 7 days of BGP data (7 days of data ending on the day on which a daily BGP prefix set is generated). For each announced prefix, we generate a single target address, ensuring there is never more than one target address in any prefix despite the presence of overlapping prefixes (that is, more specific prefixes).

Data availability

  • Data older than one year is available as a public dataset. You can obtain access using this form.
  • The most recent one year of data is available for use by academic researchers and US government agencies. This data is also available for corporate entities (including corporate researchers) who participate in CAIDA's membership program. Please, complete and submit the online form to request access to the most recent data. It usually takes about two to three business days to process your request. Upon approval you will receive an email with instructions on how to download the data you requested. If you have any questions or problems using this form, please contact data-info@caida.org.

Acceptable Use Agreement for the public data

Please read the terms of the CAIDA Acceptable Use Agreement (AUA) for Publicy Accessible Datasets below:

When referencing this data (as required by the AUA), please use:

The CAIDA UCSD IPv4 Prefix-Probing Dataset - <dates used>,

You are required to report your publications using this dataset to CAIDA.

Request Data Access

  • Access the publicly available CAIDA IPv4 Prefix-Probing Tracerout Dataset (and other topology data)
  • Request Access to the restricted CAIDA IPv4 Prefix-Probing Tracerout Dataset

Topology Datasets


For more information on CAIDA topology measurements, see:

For more information on topology measurements in general see:

Related Objects

See https://catalog.caida.org/dataset/ark_ipv4_prefix_probing to explore related objects to this document in the CAIDA Resource Catalog.
Last Modified