Correlating Heterogeneous Measurement Data to Achieve System-Level Analysis of Internet Traffic Trends

As it grows, the Internet is becoming more fragile in many ways. The complexity in managing or repairing damage to the system can only be navigated with sustained understanding of the evolving commercial Internet infrastructure. The research and tools proposed under this effort lead to such insights. In particular, richer access to data will facilitate development of tools for navigation, analysis, and correlated visualization of massive network data sets and path specific performance and routing data that are critical to advancing both research and operational efforts. We also expect to be able to offer suggestions to ISPs and routing vendors with respect to what instrumentation within the router would facilitate diagnosing and fixing problems in [closer to] real-time. Finally, this research has obvious relevance to public policy and regulatory questions regarding concentration of administration of Internet infrastructure.

Project Proposal

National Science Foundation Advanced Network Infrastructure and Research
Solicitation NSF 98-120: Special Projects in Networking

Special Projects in Networking
Correlating Heterogeneous Measurement Data to Achieve
System-Level Analysis of Internet Traffic Trends

submitted August 15, 2001

Principal Investigator

kc claffy
Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis (CAIDA)
San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC)
University of California, San Diego (UCSD)
9500 Gilman Drive, MS# 0505
La Jolla, CA 92092-0505
Tel: (858)534-8333
Fax: (858)534-5117

Other Senior Personnel

Nevil Brownlee, CAIDA at SDSC
David Moore, CAIDA at SDSC
Margaret Murray, CAIDA at SDSC
Geoff Voelker, Computer Science, University of California, San Diego

Project Proposal - Contents

    Project Summary
1  The Challenge: Characterizing Internet Traffic Trends
    1.1  Our Mission
        1.1.1  Relevance to Present State of Knowledge and the Future of the Internet
        1.1.2  Impact, Innovations, and Longer-term Goals
2  Specific Goals
    2.1  Goal 1: Deploy Strategic Internet Measurement Instrumentation
    2.2  Goal 2: Facilitate Community Access to Data Repositories
    2.3  Goal 3: Apply Repository Data to Current Research Problems
        2.3.1  Workload Trend Research
        2.3.2  Performance Assessment Research
        2.3.3  Topology Correlations to Workload, Performance, and Routing
        2.3.4  Routing and Addressing Research
    2.4  Key Collaborators
    2.5  Curriculum outreach
3  Work Plan: Task Goals and Objectives
    3.1  Task 1: Improve Internet Measurement Instrumentation
    3.2  Task 2: Develop Distributed Meta-Data Repositories
    3.3  Task 3: Apply Repository Data to Current Internet Research Problems
4  Previous Results
5  Management Plan
6  Conclusion: Significance of Proposed Effort

Additional Content

(NSF 98-120) Project Description

This page contains the Project Description for the CAIDA proposal entitled: “Correlating Heterogeneous Measurement Data to Achieve System-Level Analysis of Internet Traffic Trends.”

(NSF 98-120) Project Summary

This page contains the Project Summary for the CAIDA proposal entitled: “Correlating Heterogeneous Measurement Data to Achieve System-Level Analysis of Internet

Trends: NSF 98-120 - References

This page contains the references used in the CAIDA proposal entitled: “Correlating Heterogeneous Measurement Data to Achieve System-Level Analysis of Internet Traffic Trends.”

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