2nd CAIDA Internet Measurement And Political Science (IMAPS) Workshop 2016

On September 7th-8th, 2016, CAIDA hosted a small invitation only workshop will focus on interdisciplinary research on political events that affect the Internet and/or are partially visible through analysis of Internet measurement data.

The theme of IMAPS this year is Conflict and Contention in the Digital Age.

Dates: September 7 (Wed) - 8 (Thu), 2016
Place: SDSC Central, Room 408,
San Diego Supercomputer Center, UC San Diego Campus, La Jolla, CA


September 7 (Wednesday)

  • 08:00 - 09:00 breakfast
  • 09:00 - 09:45 Introductions
    • Alberto Dainotti (CAIDA/UC San Diego), IMAPS agenda bashing
  • 09:45 - 13:00 Research Presentations
    • Xenofontas Dimitropoulos (FORTH / University of Crete), remote presentation: Transparent Estimation of Internet Penetration from Network Observations (45 min)
    • Nils Weidmann (University of Konstanz), Digital Discrimination: Political Bias in Internet Service Provision across Ethnic Groups (60 min)
    • Emile Aben (RIPE NCC), remote presentation: Measuring Country-level Internet Outages (60 min)
  • 13:00 - 14:00 lunch
  • 14:00 - 18:00 Research Presentations
    • Rex Douglass (UC San Diego), Automated Internet Outage detection through IBR traffic analysis (45 min)
    • Amogh Dhamdhere (CAIDA/UC San Diego), A Data Driven Approach to Large-scale Cyber Conflict: Evaluating the Susceptibility of Internet Topology to Country-level Connectivity Disruption and Manipulation - part I (30 min)
    • Eric Gartzke (UC San Diego), A Data Driven Approach to Large-scale Cyber Conflict: Evaluating the Susceptibility of Internet Topology to Country-level Connectivity Disruption and Manipulation - Part II and The Myth of Cyberwar: Bringing War in Cyberspace Back Down to Earth (45 min)
    • Jon Lindsay (University of Toronto), Cyber conflict and international relations (45 min)
    • Alistair King (CAIDA/UC San Diego), Demo: Internet Outages: Detection and Analysis (30 min)
    • Alberto Dainotti (CAIDA/UC San Diego), HI-CUBE A Hub for the Investigation of Internet Incidents (45 min)
  • 18:00 Wrap up
  • 18:30 Dinner at The Shores Restaurant at La Jolla Shores Hotel
    • Street Address: 8110 Camino Del Oro, La Jolla, California 92037

September 8 (Thursday)

  • 08:00 - 09:00 breakfast
  • 09:00 - 10:00 Recap
    • Alberto Dainotti (CAIDA/UC San Diego), Recap of day one
  • 10:00 Presentations
    • Erin Kenneally (DHS), Information Marketplace for Policy and Analysis of Cyber-risk & Trust (IMPACT) (60 min)
    • Molly Roberts (UC San Diego), The Political Logic of DDOS Targets and How Sudden Censorship Can Increase Access to Information(60 min)
    • Philipp Lutscher (University of Konstanz, Germany), The Politics of Denial-of-Service Attacks (60 min)
  • 13:00 Adjourn

Additional Content

2nd CAIDA Internet Measurement And Political Science (IMAPS) Workshop: Participants

This page contains the list of participants of Internet Measurement And Political Science (IMAPS) Workshop on September 8-9, 2016.

Last Modified