3rd NDN Project Retreat: Participants
This page contains the list of participants of the 3rd NDN Project Retreat on October 11-12, 2012.
Place: Weaver Conference Center, Institute of the Americas
UCSD Campus, La Jolla, CA
Retreat Participants | Contact |
Tarek Abdelzaher (UIUC) | zaher at cs.uiuc.edu |
Alexander Afanasyev (UCLA) | alexander.afanasyev at ucla.edu |
kc claffy (CAIDA/UCSD) | kc at caida.org |
David Clark (MIT CSAIL) | ddc at csail.mit.edu |
Patrick Crowley (Washington University) | pcrowley at wustl.edu |
Alberto Dainotti (CAIDA/UCSD) | alberto at caida.org |
Charles Duan (University of Colorado) | named-data.net at cduan.com |
Glenn Edens (Parc) | glenn.edens at parc.com |
Darleen Fisher (NSF) | dlfisher at nsf.gov |
Marina Fomenkov (CAIDA/UCSD) | marina at caida.org |
Cesar Ghali (UCI) | cghali at uci.edu |
A K M Mahmudul Hoque (University of Memphis) | akmhoque at gmail.com |
Alexander Horn (UCLA) | alexnano at ucla.edu |
Shaohan Hu (UIUC) | shu17 at illinois.edu |
Ming-Chun Huang (UCLA) | mingchuh at cs.ucla.edu |
Van Jacobson (PARC) | van at parc.com |
Dmitri Krioukov (CAIDA/UCSD) | dima at caida.org |
Shen Li (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) | shenli3 at illinois.edu |
Jared Lindblom (UCLA) | lindblom at cs.ucla.edu |
Hengchang Liu (UIUC) | liu.heng.chang at gmail.com |
Alessandro Marianantoni (UCLA REMAP) | alex at remap.ucla.edu |
Keith Marzullo (NSF) | kmarzull at nsf.gov |
Dan Massey (Colorado State University) | prof.dan.massey at gmail.com |
Ilya Moiseenko (UCLA) | iliamo at ucla.edu |
Naveen Nathan (UCI) | nnathan at uci.edu |
Christos Papadopoulos (Colorado State University) | christos at cs.colostate.edu |
Giovanni Pau (UCLA Computer Science Department) | gpau at cs.ucla.edu |
Michael Plass (PARC) | plass at parc.com |
Wentao Shang (UCLA) | wentaoshang at gmail.com |
Junxiao Shi (University of Arizona) | shijunxiao at email.arizona.edu |
Katie Shilton (University of Maryland College Park) | kshilton at umd.edu |
Gene Tsudik (UCI) | gts at ics.uci.edu |
Ersin Uzun (PARC) | euzun at parc.com |
Shiguang Wang (UIUC) | swang83 at illinois.edu |
Edmund Yeh (Northeastern University) | eyeh at ece.neu.edu |
Cheng Yi (University of Arizona) | yic at email.arizona.edu |
Yingdi Yu (UCLA) | yuyingdi at gmail.com |
Beichuan Zhang (University of Arizona) | bzhang at cs.arizona.edu |
Lixia Zhang (UCLA) | lixia at cs.ucla.edu |
Zhenkai Zhu (UCLA) | zhenkai at cs.ucla.edu |