NDN Retreat February 2015: How to access retreat materials via NDN

We are pleased to release an updated version of NDN File System (ndnfs, based on work by Wentao, Zhe, and Qiuhan), along with a Firefox NDN add-on, for accessing retreat documents via NDN. We'd be happy to help you test or install at the retreat if you are interested.


  • NDNFS is a file system which provides standard file access interface, and stores files as well as their network-related metadata for remote access via NDN. (See Wentao's tech report)
  • A Firefox browser add-on using NDN-JS can be downloaded, and can be used for easy access of files: ndn-protocol.xpi
  • At this point, the updates are mainly implementation-wise, and focuses on optimizing the performance.


For browser add-on:

  • Firefox 26+

(Optional) For ndnfs and server:

  • Ubuntu 12.04+ or MacOS X 10.8.4+
  • NFD, ndn-cpp and dependencies (for example, fuse) installed

Retreat file access: A file system host is connected to remap hub, and sample documents is available under /ndn/edu/ucla/remap/demo. To access, please:

  • Launch Firefox, install the attached NDN add-on by clicking "Install add-on from file" under the gear icon on Firefox's about:addons page.
  • Make sure your local NFD is running, and has /ndn/edu/ucla/remap registered to a node on the testbed.

Or alternatively, click the "Set" button on Firefox toolbar, and connect to a WebSocket listener on the testbed. For example, put aleph.ndn.ucla.edu in the prompted dialog.

  • Copy ndn:/ndn/edu/ucla/remap/demo/retreat-2015 to Firefox's URL bar, and browse the documents related to this year's retreat.

For example, the EBAMS draft tech report is available for download under ndn:/ndn/edu/ucla/remap/demo/retreat-2015/netenv/tech-reports/ndn-netenv-ebams.pdf

Codebase links:

Please contact Zhehao Wang <wangzhehao410305@gmail.com> for any questions, suggestions or bug reports.
