NDN Retreat February 2015: Participants
This page contains the list of participants of the NDN Retreat on February 5-6, 2015.
Place: Weaver Conference Center, Malamud Room, Institute of the Americas, UC San Diego Campus, La Jolla, CA
Participants | Contact |
Tarek Abdelzaher (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) | zaher at illinois.edu |
Alex Afanasyev (UCLA) | alexander.afanasyev at ucla.edu |
Rodrigo Aldecoa (Northeastern University) | raldecoa at neu.edu |
Andrew Brown (Intel) | andrew.brown at intel.com |
Jeff Burke (UCLA REMAP) | jburke at remap.ucla.edu |
Ken Calvert (University of Kentucky) | calvert at netlab.uky.edu |
kc claffy (CAIDA/UC San Diego) | kc at caida.org |
David Clark (MIT) | ddc at csail.mit.edu |
Muktadir R Chowdhury (University of Memphis) | mrchwdhr at memphis.edu |
Patrick Crowley (Washington University in St. Louis) | pcrowley at wustl.edu |
John DeHart (Washington University in St. Louis) | jdd at wustl.edu |
Steve DiBenedetto (Colorado State University) | dibenede at cs.colostate.edu |
Darleen Fisher (National Science Foundation) | dlfisher at nsf.gov |
Marina Fomenkov (CAIDA/UC San Diego) | marina at caida.org |
Ashlesh Gawande (University of Memphis) | agawande at memphis.edu |
Giulio Grassi (UPMC-LIP6) | giulio.grassi at lip6.fr |
Peter Gusev (UCLA REMAP) | peter at remap.ucla.edu |
Alex Halderman (University of Michigan) | jhalderm at eecs.umich.edu |
Alexander Horn (UCLA REMAP) | nano at remap.ucla.edu |
Van Jacobson (Google) | vanj at google.com |
Xiaoke Jiang (Tsinghua University / UCLA) | shock.jiang at gmail.com |
Akash Kapoor (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) | akapoor5 at illinois.edu |
James Kasten (University of Michigan) | jdkasten at umich.edu |
Erin Kenneally (CAIDA/UC San Diego) | erin at caida.org |
Seungbae Kim (UCLA) | ksb2043 at gmail.com |
Jongdeog Lee (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) | jlee700 at illinois.edu |
Vince Lehman (University of Memphis Networking Research Lab) | vslehman at memphis.edu |
Yanbiao Li (UCLA) | lybmath at ucla.edu |
Teng Liang (University of Arizona) | philoliang at email.arizona.edu |
Spyridon Mastorakis (UCLA) | mastorakis at cs.ucla.edu |
Ilya Moiseenko (UCLA) | iliamo at ucla.edu |
Eiichi Muramoto (Panasonic) | muramoto.eiichi at jp.panasonic.com |
Dustin O'Hara (UCLA ) | dustin.ohara at gmail.com |
Chiara Orsini (CAIDA/UC San Diego) | chiara at caida.org |
Christos Papadopoulos (Colorado State University) | christos at cs.colostate.edu |
Giovanni Pau (UPMC-LIP6 / UCLA) | gpau at fastmail.fm |
Davide Pesavento (UPMC-LIP6) | davide.pesavento at lip6.fr |
Josh Polterock (CAIDA/UC San Diego) | josh at caida.org |
Zoe Sandoval (UCLA REMAP) | zoe at remap.ucla.edu |
Wentao Shang (UCLA) | wentao at cs.ucla.edu |
Junxiao Shi (University of Arizona) | shijunxiao at email.arizona.edu |
Jiewen Tan (UCLA) | alanwake at ucla.edu |
Jeff Thompson (UCLA REMAP) | jefft0 at remap.ucla.edu |
Christian Tschudin (University of Basel) | christian.tschudin at unibas.ch |
Lan Wang (University of Memphis) | lanwang at memphis.edu |
Lijing Wang (UCLA) | OoOfreedom at gmail.com |
Zhehao Wang (UCLA REMAP) | wangzhehao410305 at gmail.com |
Edmund Yeh (Northeastern University) | eyeh at ece.neu.edu |
Yingdi Yu (UCLA) | yingdi at cs.ucla.edu |
Haowei Yuan (Washington University in St. Louis) | hyuan at wustl.edu |
Daniel Zappala (Brigham Young University) | daniel.zappala at gmail.com |
Beichuan Zhang (University of Arizona) | bzhang at cs.arizona.edu |
Haitao Zhang (UCLA) | zhtaoxiang at gmail.com |
Lixia Zhang (UCLA) | lixia at cs.ucla.edu |
Minsheng Zhang (University of Memphis) | jimmyzms5 at gmail.com |