CAIDA-WIDE Workshop at ISI: Participants

This page contains the list of participants of the 3rd CAIDA/WIDE Workshop at ISI on April 21-23, 2004.

Dates: April 22 (Thu) - 23 (Fri), 2004
Place: Information Sciences Institute, Marina del Rey, CA

Participants of the 3nd CAIDA/WIDE Workshop


Jun Murai, Keio University
Kenjiro Cho, Sony Computer Science Labs. Inc.
Akira Kato, The University of Tokyo
Hiroshi Esaki, The University of Tokyo
Osamu Nakamura, Keio University
Yoichi Shinoda, Japan Advanced Institite of Science and Technology
Yuji Sekiya, The University of Tokyo
Kengo Nagahashi, The University of Tokyo
Seiichi Yamamoto, The University of Tokyo
Kazunori Sugiura, The National Institute of Information and Communications Technology


Francisco J. Martin, Oregon State University
Bartek Wydrowski, Caltech
Irena Atov, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
Raymond Liu, UCLA


Matthew Luckie


Bill Manning
Genevieve Bartlett


kc claffy
Brad Huffaker
Nevil Brownlee
Duane Wessels
Colleen Shannon
Dima Krioukov
David Moore
Marina Fomenkov
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