9th CAIDA-WIDE Workshop: Participants
This page contains the list of participants of the 9th CAIDA/WIDE Workshop.
Place: East-West Center at the University of Hawaii.
Participants of the 9th CAIDA/WIDE Workshop
Kenjiro Cho, IIJ, kjc at iijlab.net
Jun Murai, Keio University, jun at wide.ad.jp
Akira Kato, The University of Tokyo, kato at wide.ad.jp
Yuji Sekiya, The University of Tokyo, sekiya at wide.ad.jp
Kensuke Fukuda, NIT, kensuke at nii.ac.jp
Hiroaki Hazeyama, NAIST, hiroa-ha at naist.jp
Bill Manning, bmanning at isi.edu
John Crain, ICANN, john.crain at icann.org
David Farmer III, University of Minnesota, farmer at umn.edu
Marilyn Hay, BCNET, marilyn.hay at bc.net
Xing Li, CERNET, xing at cernet.edu.cn
Keith Mitchell, OARC, keith at isc.org
Kevin Thompson, NSF, kthompso at nsf.gov
Gaurab Raj Upadhaya, Packet Clearing House, gaurab at pch.net
Matt Zekauskas, Internet2, matt at internet2.edu
kc claffy, kc at caida.org
Brad Huffaker, bhuffake at caida.org
Duane Wessels, wessels at packet-pushers.com
Nevil Brownlee, nevil at caida.org
Sebastian Castro, secastro at caida.org
Emile Aben, emile at caida.org
Josh Polterock, josh at caida.org
Marina Fomenkov, marina at caida.org