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Internet Atlas Gallery

World-Wide Mapping of Reverse traceroute and looking glass Servers

Wilfred Dittmer
Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis (CAIDA)
San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC)
University of California, San Diego (UCSD)

Visualization Thumbnail Data
Data Sources:
(Source1): URL's and names of looking glass servers found on the web
(Source2): URL's and names of traceroute servers found on the web
(Source3): NetGeo database
Data Specification:
(Data1): NetGeo output {CITY, STATE, COUNTRY, LAT, LONG}
(Data2): GeoPlot maps (Example)
(Data3): Table containing {CITY, LINK/NAME, TYPE, LAT, LONG} (Example)
Data Aggregation:
Group and plot reverse tracreoute and looking glass servers on maps according to their latitude and longitude.
Data Filters:
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