DatCat Community Contribution (DCC 1) Workshop: Participants

This page contains the list of participants of the first DatCat Community Contribution (DCC 1) Workshop on March 12-14, 2007.

Emile Aben (CAIDA)emile at caida.org
Daniele Arena (NaMeX)daniele at namex.it
Rob Beverly (MIT CSAIL)rbeverly at mit.edu
Alessio Botta (University of Napoli Federico I)a.botta at unina.it
Anand Buddhdev (RIPE)anandb at ripe.net
Sebastian E. Castro Avila (CAIDA / NIC Chile)secastro at caida.org
k claffy (CAIDA)kc at caida.org
Marina Fomenkov (CAIDA)marina at caida.org
Mehmet Gunes (University of Texas at Dallas)mehmetgunes at gmail.com
Brad Huffaker (CAIDA)bhuffake at caida.org
Young Hyun (CAIDA)youngh at caida.org
Almerima Jamakovic (CAIDA / Technische Universiteit Delft)almerima at caida.org
Ken Keys (CAIDA)kkeys at caida.org
Samantha Lo (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)saumanlo at gmail.com
Keith Mitchell (ISC OARC)keith at isc.org
David Moore (CAIDA / UCSD CSE)info at caida.org
Wolfgang Nagele (Open Root Server Network (ORSN))e-mail at dreamguard.at
Josh Polterock (CAIDA)josh at caida.org
Teemu Schaabl (Open Root Server Network (ORSN))teemu at lynix.net
Colleen Shannon (CAIDA)info at caida.org
Jeff Terrell (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)jsterrel at cs.unc.edu
Robbie Simpson (NETI@home / Cellnet)rsimpson at ece.gatech.edu
Vikram Srinivasan (National Univeristy of Singapore)elevs at nus.edu.sg
Duane Wessels (CAIDA / The Measurement Factory)duane at packet-pushers.com
Jihwang Yeo (CRAWDAD / Dartmouth)jyeo at cs.dartmouth.edu
Matt Zekauskas (Internet2)matt at internet2.edu

Workshop organization by Darlene Piche, Lisa Hecht, Natridee Saethia, and Colleen Shannon.

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