DatCat Community Contribution (DCC 1) Workshop: Participants
This page contains the list of participants of the first DatCat Community Contribution (DCC 1) Workshop on March 12-14, 2007.
Participant | Contact |
Emile Aben (CAIDA) | emile at caida.org |
Daniele Arena (NaMeX) | daniele at namex.it |
Rob Beverly (MIT CSAIL) | rbeverly at mit.edu |
Alessio Botta (University of Napoli Federico I) | a.botta at unina.it |
Anand Buddhdev (RIPE) | anandb at ripe.net |
Sebastian E. Castro Avila (CAIDA / NIC Chile) | secastro at caida.org |
k claffy (CAIDA) | kc at caida.org |
Marina Fomenkov (CAIDA) | marina at caida.org |
Mehmet Gunes (University of Texas at Dallas) | mehmetgunes at gmail.com |
Brad Huffaker (CAIDA) | bhuffake at caida.org |
Young Hyun (CAIDA) | youngh at caida.org |
Almerima Jamakovic (CAIDA / Technische Universiteit Delft) | almerima at caida.org |
Ken Keys (CAIDA) | kkeys at caida.org |
Samantha Lo (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) | saumanlo at gmail.com |
Keith Mitchell (ISC OARC) | keith at isc.org |
David Moore (CAIDA / UCSD CSE) | info at caida.org |
Wolfgang Nagele (Open Root Server Network (ORSN)) | e-mail at dreamguard.at |
Josh Polterock (CAIDA) | josh at caida.org |
Teemu Schaabl (Open Root Server Network (ORSN)) | teemu at lynix.net |
Colleen Shannon (CAIDA) | info at caida.org |
Jeff Terrell (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) | jsterrel at cs.unc.edu |
Robbie Simpson (NETI@home / Cellnet) | rsimpson at ece.gatech.edu |
Vikram Srinivasan (National Univeristy of Singapore) | elevs at nus.edu.sg |
Duane Wessels (CAIDA / The Measurement Factory) | duane at packet-pushers.com |
Jihwang Yeo (CRAWDAD / Dartmouth) | jyeo at cs.dartmouth.edu |
Matt Zekauskas (Internet2) | matt at internet2.edu |
Workshop organization by Darlene Piche, Lisa Hecht, Natridee Saethia, and Colleen Shannon.