

Using corsaro3 for Realtime Processing

corsarotrace is a tool within corsaro3 that allows you to run custom analysis code against captured packets without needing to deal with the overhead of opening the capture device, performing the capture and decoding packet headers.

corsarotrace leverages the libtrace library for capturing and processing packets. Libtrace (and therefore corsarotrace) is designed to support parallel processing using multiple threads wherever possible so that users can process large quantities of network traffic quickly and efficiently.

corsarotrace allows users to run their custom analysis routines through a plugin-based system. The plugins must be written using the C programming language and will need to provide callback functions for a set of pre-defined events.

corsaro for New Users

corsarotrace is configured using a YAML file.

YAML Resources:

An example YAML configuration file for corsarotrace is included with this README.


The corsarotrace configuration includes the following top-level options, which can be specified using a basic key: value syntax:

packetsource        A libtrace URI describing where the captured packets
                    are to be read from.
                    If you are reading packets from an nDAG multicast
                    group, then this should look something like:

                    You can also use corsarotrace to process pcap trace
                    files, in which case you should set your URI to be:
                    pcapfile:<file location>

logfilename         The name of the file to write log message to. Only
                    applies if the log mode is set to 'file' when you
                    run corsarotrace.

interval            Specifies the interval length in seconds. Plugins will
                    typically merge and report their results at the end of
                    each interval. Defaults to 60 seconds.

rotatefreq          Specifies the number of intervals that must complete
                    before triggering a "rotate output" event. This is
                    used by plugins to determine when to close and rotate
                    any open output files.

threads             The number of threads to use for processing packets.
                    For nDAG inputs, the nDAG owner will tell you the
                    correct number of threads to specify here. For pcap file
                    inputs, the ideal number of threads is 1.

startboundaryts     Ignore all packets that have a timestamp earlier than
                    the Unix timestamp specified for this option.

endboundaryts       Ignore all packets that have a timestamp after the
                    Unix timestamp specified for this option.

removespoofed       If set to 'yes', ignore all packets that have been
                    identified as spoofed. Defaults to 'no'.

removeerratic       If set to 'yes', ignore all packets that have been
                    identified as an erratic traffic type. Defaults to 'no'.

removerouted        If set to 'yes', ignore all packets that have a source
                    IP address that is globally routable (i.e. is not an
                    RD5735 address). Defaults to 'no'.

removenotscan       If set to 'yes', only include packets that have been
                    identified as matching the behaviour of a known
                    large-scale scanning system (e.g. masscan).
                    Defaults to 'no'.

Each corsarotrace instance must run at least one processing plugin, which defines the analysis that should be performed on each captured packet as well as how to combine the results from multiple processing threads together into a single usable result.

Plugins are configured using the following syntax:

 - <plugin name>:
     <plugin option 1>: value
     <plugin option 2>: value

 - <another plugin name>:
     <plugin option 1>: value
     <plugin option 2>: value

Plugin options are specific to each plugin – if you are using a plugin that was included with the corsaro software package, please consult the documentation of that package for more details as to what options are available and what they mean.

If you’ve developed your own plugin, then you should know which configuration options to provide. Simple plugins may take no options at all, in which case the configuration should simply be:

  - <simple plugin name>:
  - <another simple plugin name>:

Example YAML Configuration File

# Example config file to run corsarotrace with the example plugin
# Assumes you've copied the plugin source into the correct location
# in the corsaro source tree and rebuilt the corsaro software. See the
# README for more details on how to do this.
# For more detailed descriptions of the meanings of the configuration
# options in this file, also consult the README.

logfilename: "/tmp/corsarotrace.log"
interval: 60            # produce results every 60 seconds
rotatefreq: 15          # rotate any output files every 15 intervals (minutes)
threads: 8              # use 8 packet processing threads

# If all set to 'no' then no packets will be removed by filtering
removerouted: no
removespoofed: no
removeerratic: no
removenotscan: no

packetsource: "ndag:ens4,,44000"

 - example:
     # if we had additional example-specific config it would go here

Running corsarotrace

Once you have a suitable config file, you can run corsarotrace using the following command

./corsarotrace -c <config filename> -l <logmode>

logmode may be one of terminal, file, syslog or disabled.

Writing a plugin

More detailed instructions will be provided in the future, but in the meantime please take a look at the following hello-world example.

Installing your plugin

The following instructions will demonstrate how one would add the example plugin included in this repo to corsaro, so that it becomes usable within your corsarotrace install.

First, we assume that you have a cloned copy of the corsaro3 source tree. In this example, the source tree is located at /home/limbo/corsaro3 but feel free to adjust these instructions to match a different location if need be.

In this example, the plugin source and header files are located at /home/limbo/example_plugin.c and /home/limbo/example_plugin.h.

Copy both your plugin source and plugin header files into the libcorsaro/plugins/ directory within the corsaro3 source tree.

cp /home/limbo/example_plugin.[ch] /home/limbo/corsaro3/libcorsaro/plugins
  • Update to ensure that your plugin is recognised as loadable by corsarotrace. Find a series of lines calling the macro ED_WITH_PLUGIN and add an entry for your new plugin. The name in the first argument must match the name of plugin source file minus its extension. The second argument should match the plugin name defined in the source file. The third argument must be unique to that plugin and should be capitalized. The final argument should be set to yes to signify that the plugin should be enabled. For our example plugin, we would use:
  • Update the file in libcorsaro/plugins to tell the build system to compile your plugin. Place lines like the ones given below just prior to line beginning with libcorsaroplugins_la_SOURCES = :
PLUGIN_SRC+=example_plugin.c example_plugin.h
  • Add an entry to the corsaro_plugin_id_t enumerated type for your new plugin. The enumerated type is declared in libcorsaro/libcorsaro_plugin.h. The enum name must match the CORSARO_PLUGIN_ID_ name that you used in your plugin source code. The value must be an unused number less than the value of CORSARO_PLUGIN_ID_MAX (or update the value of MAX to be your new value).
typedef enum corsaro_plugin_id {
    CORSARO_PLUGIN_ID_EXAMPLE = 40,       // new plugin ID here
} corsaro_plugin_id_t;

Add a #include for your new plugin header to libcorsaro/libcorsaro_plugin.c, just below the line where the corsaro_null.h header is included.

#include "corsaro_null.h"
#include "example_plugin.h"
  • Before we start building and installing a new version of corsaro3, it will pay to remove any existing packaged versions of the software that is on your machine.

sudo apt remove corsaro3 corsaro3-tools libcorsaro3-dev libcorsaro3

At the base directory of the corsaro3 source tree, run ./ followed by ./configure.

Now run make – this will compile your plugin and link it into libcorsaro. Since this is the first time you’ve likely been able to compile your plugin, you will probably get errors. Try to fix the errors and then keep repeating this step until make completes successfully.

Install the updated corsaro onto your system using sudo make install && sudo ldconfig. The updated version of corsarotrace will be installed into /usr/local/bin by default.

Now you should be able to create a corsarotrace configuration file that uses your plugin and run corsarotrace!

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