

Libtrace Command Line

A suite of tools from the Libtrace software package can be used to process packets at a higher level.

Full Libtrace Documentation


tracepktdump is a tool that can be used to dump packets from a packet trace or capture interface to your terminal in a human-readable format.

To use tracepktdump with the pcap traces in the Swift object store:

user@vm001:~$ tracepktdump pcapfile:swift://<container name>/<object name>
  • file format must be included so that tracepktdump knows how to open it, otherwise it will return a trace_create: Unknown format (swift) error.
  • list of accepted libtrace file formats


user@vm001:~$ tracepktdump pcapfile:swift://telescope-ucsdnt-pcap-live/datasource=ucsd-nt/year=2020/month=10/day=31/hour=22/ucsd-nt.1604181600.pcap.gz | head

Sat Oct 31 22:00:00 2020
 Capture: Packet Length: 60/64 Direction Value: -1
 Ethernet: Dest: 3c:fd:fe:19:d8:00 Source: 00:de:fb:ba:06:c7 Ethertype: 0x0800
 IP: Header Len 20 Ver 4 DSCP 00 ECN 0 Total Length 40
 IP: Id 54321 Fragoff 0
 IP: TTL 241 Proto 6 (tcp) Checksum 46313
 IP: Source Destination
 TCP: Source 43922 Dest 82
 TCP: Seq 2846108233

To print only a limited number of packets, use the -c command line option:

user@vm001:~$ tracepktdump -c <number of packets> <file type>:swift://<container name>/<object name>


Print the first packet in the file

user@vm001:~$ tracepktdump -c 1 pcapfile:swift://telescope-ucsdnt-pcap-live/datasource=ucsd-nt/year=2020/month=09/day=27/hour=09/ucsd-nt.1601197200.pcap.gz

Sun Sep 27 09:00:00 2020
 Capture: Packet Length: 60/64 Direction Value: -1
 Ethernet: Dest: 3c:fd:fe:19:d8:00 Source: 00:de:fb:ba:06:c7 Ethertype: 0x0800
 IP: Header Len 20 Ver 4 DSCP 00 ECN 0 Total Length 40
 IP: Id 65439 Fragoff 0
 IP: TTL 242 Proto 6 (tcp) Checksum 37144
 IP: Source Destination
 TCP: Source 40961 Dest 3428
 TCP: Seq 1117343245
 TCP: Ack 0
 TCP: DOFF 5 Flags: SYN Window 1024
 TCP: Checksum 13759 Urgent 0
unknown protocol tcp/3428
 Unknown Protocol: 3428
  00 00 e9 75 10 0a                                  ...u..                              
  • Note: tracepktdump will show time as the time zone of the machine you are processing the file on, but the timestamps in the file are always in UTC.

To filter packets using a BPF filter use the -f option:

user@vm001:~$ tracepktdump --filter=<"filter expression"> <file type>:swift://<container name>/<object name>


user@vm001:~$ tracepktdump --filter="dst port 80" -c 1 pcapfile:swift://telescope-ucsdnt-pcap-live/datasource=ucsd-nt/year=2020/month=09/day=27/hour=09/ucsd-nt.1601197200.pcap.gz

Sun Sep 27 09:00:00 2020
 Capture: Packet Length: 60/64 Direction Value: -1
 Ethernet: Dest: 3c:fd:fe:19:d8:00 Source: 00:de:fb:ba:06:c7 Ethertype: 0x0800
 IP: Header Len 20 Ver 4 DSCP 00 ECN 0 Total Length 40
 IP: Id 19072 Fragoff 0
 IP: TTL 112 Proto 6 (tcp) Checksum 34088
 IP: Source Destination
 TCP: Source 3639 Dest 80 (http)
 TCP: Seq 740174932
 TCP: Ack 0
 TCP: DOFF 5 Flags: SYN Window 19718
 TCP: Checksum 32955 Urgent 0
unknown protocol tcp/80
 Unknown Protocol: 80
  00 00 92 6a dc 88                                  ...j..                              
  • Returns the first occurrence (-c 1) in which the TCP destination port is 80 ( --filter="dst port 80")

Other commands are prefixed with trace. Type trace into the command line to list them.

Potentially useful tools include:

  • tracertstats: trace real-time statistics
    • designed to run against a live stream of traffic and periodically output how many packets and bytes were observed in a particular time interval.

The Libtrace Wiki has more information about other Libtrace tools.

Writing Software Using Libtrace

Instead of writing a Corsaro plugin, Libtrace can be used to write packet processing software. A good starting point for learning how to write programs using Libtrace can be found at the following links:
